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Employees must support the ALPA Pension

They are just as unionized, as a percentage as UA, US or AA, and more heavily unionized than DL. So how does it work they've been profitable?

Here's another thought. Even after recent concessions, where the average U wage will be less than WN's, U's CASM's will still exceed WN's. How does that happen?


ineffable, incessant , inimical, oracular, polemical, inculcate,>>>>>>>>Ambulance chaser.

I comprendez perfecto!
On 1/21/2003 12:51:55 AM olivia wrote:


That was hilarious...thank you for the big laugh!!!!
Made my night...

Have you noticed the 5 and dime stores have gone out of business?

That was hilarious...thank you for the big laugh!!!!
Made my night...
On 1/21/2003 1:39:44 AM PineyBob wrote:

Indeed severed they have! Replaced by the "Dollar Store" Marketing concept. So any luck finding a job? or are you chilling for a few weeks?

Try chillin' for a few months LOL..thx for askin'...doing the mandatory "job search" thing e.g. emails and resumees but don't have to accept anything that doesn't meet my standards..exploring a few self employed and/or investment options once severance stops early to mid Spring, but cannot and do not want to act on them until severance and accompanying unemp chks stop coming in. Hopefully those opportunities will still exist, and I have faith they will. Refinancing and thus cutting expenses by approx 250-300 a month has also relieved any potential burdens from cropping up.Wish I could have done this years ago..for once I can thank the CWA!!
Lilninj was right the son of a gun, there is life after US!!!I knew it all along.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR] Troll on, dude. Troll on.[BR][BR][BR]
[P][/P] [STRONG][EM][FONT face="Courier New"]like,dude...was it something i said?[/FONT][/EM][/STRONG][/BLOCKQUOTE]

Best straighten up that tie there UNI, don't wanna appear unprofessional.

[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/20/2003 8:53:55 PM Uinvestor wrote:
[P align=left]They both have obtained an unprecedented amount of concessions. Siegel will go down in aviation history as having [EM]extrapolated [/EM]the concessions needed to save your company.[BR][BR]---------------[BR][BR][BR]Next time you choose to run an entire post thru your "big-word-ifyer" program, I suggest a brief proofreading session. One would [EM]extract[/EM] concessions. One might extrapolate the financial returns from doing so after the fact.....[BR][BR]Troll on, dude. Troll on.[BR][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
On 1/20/2003 10:48:14 PM PineyBob wrote:

I think you have to blame CCY for that. Some of it has to do with organizational structure. Remember US was put together from several airlines and from what I can determine from the posts here there are redundant operations leftover from the pre merger days. SWA in one company, flying one type of aircraft, one management team not multiple W/O's and contract carriers. All of that adds to the G & A expense of any company. Also how bloated is CCY still after all of this?

As for the Univestor I see we have more $5.00 words from a 10 cent mind LOL J/K


Correctamundo, sir.


Are you telling me mangement has ZERO responsibility for the cost structure of a business?

I watch WN work all the time. They are not supermen. Roll up a 737 at their gate. Roll a 737 up at our gate. U agents will turn the flight just as quick as WN's, in an apples and apples comparison.

But generally, the U flight will still have a longer ground time because it's scheduled that way. Who has the initiative on that issue?

Pre concessions, WN paid their rampers 15% more than U paid theirs. That's a helluva headstart U had on costs, and WN's CASM's were, and still, are lower.

I understand why U management runs from discussions of WN, and why WN was not included in the 1999 parity plus one. BECAUSE WHEN WN IS FINALLY CRANKED INTO THE CALCULUS, YOU COME TO THE INEVITABLE CONCLUSION U'S PROBLEM IS NOT LABOR, BUT MISMANAGEMENT.

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