fatherabraham said: "I would imagine that the u pilots would play by the rules of ALPA merger policy. Not this devious back door approach giving one an advantage over another. "
767jetz responds: That would be nice. However the last time an aquisition was in the works, many US pilots did NOT want to follow ALPA's current merger policy and DID want date-of-hire seniority at UA. At the time, this would have put most US pilots in positions far above where they currently were and even far above where they ever could have been at US. So I am only speaking from recent past experience.
fatherabraham says: "I do have to ask you however, if ALPA is a national union, then why would you have more loyalty towards one airline alpa pilot over another? It seems as if you want to stack the deck in UAL pilot favor."
767jetz responds: While ALPA is the national union, each airline has their own governing council, MEC, seniority list, etc. It's not a matter of favoring. It is a matter of protecting what you have from being taken away by someone else.
Unlike some other employees in the industry, a pilot's seniority not only determines things like travel and vacation and schedules. It also determines the size of the airplane we fly and therefore has a large effect on our income and retirement.
For example, while 737 captains from both companies have comparable saleries, a 747 captain makes much more than an Airbus captain. It would not be fair for an Airbus captain from one comapny to suddenly become a 747 captain overnight, when his former company never even had 747's. This is what would happen in a merger with straight DOH integration. Hence the sensitivity of the subject.
That being said, if two companies of comparable size were merged, in the example of US / AWA or Allegheny / Mohawk, it would not be as big an issue. But merging one large company with a relatively younger work force, and a much smaller company with a relatively older workforce, is a recepie for disaster if you don't first determine who gets what. This is what happened when TWA aquired Ozark, and AA aquired Reno and later TWA.
fatherabraham says: "IMHO, the pilots and mechanics should have a national seniority list with great empasis on recruiting the LCC folks. Then this race to the bottom would not happen."
767jetz responds: A national seniority list would certainly help matters, if pay and benfits from one company to the next were standardized and people were paid by years of service only, and not equipment type. And bringing the LCC's into the fold would definitely stop the race to the bottom. But realistically, I don't think that will ever happen. This industry is very cyclical. During good times, legacy carriers do well. During hard times LCC's do well. Maybe if the indusrty were regulated again, a national seniority list might work. But I'm not holding my breath.