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Employee Buttons

The buttons may be kind of tacky, but I'm all for the message. I was non-revving the other day and the heard customers commenting positively on the posters. If it sends a good "here to stay" message, that's good. Not threatening to liquidate every couple of months in the national media is also effective though.

I LOVE the livery, I hope they keep it forever... it's unique, striking even, and both classy and classic. I wish I could say the same for the uniforms. New ones would be great, but I fear what they would be with the company's recent taste for all things gaudy. They might be yellow with a Gofares baseball cap, plastic wings, and usairways.com or "No-Brainer!" across the back. It would be great to get sharp, updated, businesslike uniforms for frontline employees. And I agree, there should be different uniforms for different work groups. If customer service wore gray and crew was blue there would be less confusion for customers and employees. Everyone wears the same thing, and TSA is similar, so you never know if someone is going to wand you, rebook you, serve you a drink, or drive you through the airport shouting at people.

Ya know where they can place those buttons-or where I will put mine?
It's too soon for calling attention to your "great product" when your product is way below standard. It is common for flights to take an hour delay in PHL for lack of a cargo loading crew or for a servicing related problem. It is common that passengers can wait 1,2,3 hours for their checked bags at the local claim in PHL.
Fix that then exclaim what is happening.
I am thrilled about these new buttons!!! I'm going to grab a whole bag of them. And since we haven't been able to order uniforms pieces for months, I can cover up all the stains on my blouses, the rips in my pants, and the holes in my sweater. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PSA1979 said:
I am thrilled about these new buttons!!! I'm going to grab a whole bag of them. And since we haven't been able to order uniforms pieces for months, I can cover up all the stains on my blouses, the rips in my pants, and the holes in my sweater. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL... the uniform situation has gone from bad to inexcusable in the past two years.
PSA, that was mighty funny! Sad, but funny.

I suspect dbcooper's right (can't say from personal experience, since I'm not exactly in the midst of US Airways territory). The "come back, we're better" message is a great thing to initiate...once you're really better. CO had the sense to wait until Gordon & Co. fixed the process before the marketing blitz.
NAPAUS said:
:shock: with all due respect - U CANT BE SERIOUS!! The public contact emplyees are in 20 + yr old unifroms, the airplanes are flithy dirty, we dont have supplies for the a/c...we are ALL undertstaffed and UNDER, HIGHLY underAPPRECIATED...and all they can think of doing is giving us tacky, cheap buttons.. COME ON NOW!!!! Clean tha airplanes, update our OUTDATED image and move forward with this BLOODY TRANSFORMATION plan. Enough crap of tastless banners and crappy promotional BS.... Please enough is enough!!!!!!!

dbcooper said:
It's too soon for calling attention to your "great product" when your product is way below standard. It is common for flights to take an hour delay in PHL for lack of a cargo loading crew or for a servicing related problem. It is common that passengers can wait 1,2,3 hours for their checked bags at the local claim in PHL.
Fix that then exclaim what is happening.

This is the problem they can't fix. Lack of help to do the job and then outsource a job classification that is already understaffed. Please make sure your security checks are done properly when the contractors are here. 45 min. turns with an undertrained staff?
Don't blame PHL, blame Management. Can't wait to see what is next.
We have a large box of buttons at our baggage service office. When customers arrive without their luggage we give them a button and they dance a jig out of the office!
Why should the uniforms look businesslike? They should be functional and without facade. The new world order in the airline business demands that people readjust their concept of airline employee. Rather than some silly nostalgic costume that harkens back to a long-ago time of full service, pride and professionalism (for which a businesslike uniform would be appropriate) we need to reflect the pedestrian, commodity nature of our product and dress in plain, utilitarian uniforms.
Think less Gucci and more UPS delivery driver.

Remember, the customer only chooses the airline based on the fare that travelocity spits out. The fact that you might be wearing anything above the minimum makes them suspect that their ticket could have been cheaper.
Finish or Ignore said:
We have a large box of buttons at our baggage service office.  When customers arrive without their luggage we give them a button and they dance a jig out of the office!

Buttons have always been an effective tool to get people to dance 'the jig'! Think back to the 60's when the "I like Dick" buttons appeared-- Viet Nam draftees loved 'em! Some of them danced their jig all the way to Canada--they were so 'happy'...
luvn737s said:
Why should the uniforms look businesslike? They should be functional and without facade. The new world order in the airline business demands that people readjust their concept of airline employee. Rather than some silly nostalgic costume that harkens back to a long-ago time of full service, pride and professionalism (for which a businesslike uniform would be appropriate) we need to reflect the pedestrian, commodity nature of our product and dress in plain, utilitarian uniforms.
Think less Gucci and more UPS delivery driver.

Remember, the customer only chooses the airline based on the fare that travelocity spits out. The fact that you might be wearing anything above the minimum makes them suspect that their ticket could have been cheaper.

As someone that has worn hospital scrubs (when I worked in the hospital) to a suit for my current career, it would be preferable to wear something that is comfortable and looks good. Do I think that SWA F/A's look professional? Not really. You can "dress down" but still look good.

Yes the US uniform needs to be updated, so do all of the airlines. Look at UA and NW F/A's. Talk about ugly!! At least I think a US F/A always looks good. EXCEPT the lovely F/A on my recent SAN - CLT flight. LADIES?! do I really need to see your oversized breasts popping out of your shirt. I was shocked at how unprofessional this F/A looked on this flight. The shirt was unbottoned to the point where I was waiting for her breasts to fall out of her shirt if she bent over. Some men on here might find that titilating (pun intended), but I found it questionable.

BTW.....did anyone see the Discovery Channel show about the history of the Flight Attendant? It's quite interesting.