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Emb-170 Update


May 18, 2003
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Embraer announced on December 8 the FAA has granted provisional type certification for the EMB-170. In a press release the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer said the final type certification is expected in early 2004. The approval clears the way for operators to begin crew training and route proving flights prior to putting the aircraft into revenue service.

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Today during the US Airways ALPA MEC meeting it was announced that for internal purposes MDA will be called the Embraer Division, with Embraer Division Pilots, since the new low cost operation will be part of the mainline. The US Airways EMB-170 certification is scheduled to be complete on February 20 and the first revenue flight will be on March 7.



US Airways ALPA MEC meeting it was announced that for internal purposes MDA

No Chip for FAA purposes it will be called The Embaer 170/175 Division.

Internally it will be called MidAtlantic Division. Also, the correct acronym is MAA not MDA as per Michael Scrabola.

How do I know this? Because the In-flight Ground Instructors just got their shirts that say MidAtlantic Airways not Embraer Division. Again, that is an FAA thing.

The change from MDA to MAA occurred a few months ago, but the two acronyms are being used synomously.

In regard to the Embraer Division, the term is being used internally and within the FAA because its part of the mainline and certification. Do you remember the temporary stop in pilot training over the manual problem?



I am quite aware that they WERE being used simultaneously, but they are no longer being used. Only MAA is to be used as per Michael Scrabola. He should know he is the one in charge.

Again, we are being called the EMB 170/175 division for FAA purposes ONLY. Internally (company) we are still being called MidAtlantic.

Are you in MidAtlantic? Well, I am. I think I might know a bit more about what it is or is not called than you would. I get it first hand were as you get it second or third.

Why do you always have to be right?
Silly squabling as Rome burns. As I understand it ALPA has coined the term "Embraer Division" just as it refers to RJ's as "small jets".

More importantly:

As one of my favorite posters always says "My sources tell me" - The US Airways ALPA unit, with the support of ALPA national, will have a MAJOR news release in the next few days. It is my understanding this will be seen in major newspapers across the country.


Uhhhhhh.....Who cares? :blink: They can call it the Dandelion Division for all I care. It's still the same crappie pay and little jets that say Express. I think we have bigger worries that are about to appear via Crystal Palace.
Sounds like the PI/US merger years ago.
We would ferry an aircraft From CLT to EWR and ferry a different aircraft at the same time EWR to CLT. When you asked why, all you heard was they are Northern Division and Southern Division aircraft.

Who cares what we call it but lets get something into the AIR to make money. We are in such trouble its not even funny. I just wish whichever Dave is running this Company, they have a plan other then joining PA,EA & TW. It looks all the same from here.
Hope and 330:

The ALPA press release forthcoming is going to address the concerns we all have as employees of a company being run by inept and reactive management. It will focus the attention where it belongs.

MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE - December 11, 2003

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Thursday, December 11, with one new item.

The MEC reconvened its regular fourth quarter meeting today at the Doubletree Guests Suites in Charlotte, and received an Embraer Division update.

See Story


Has anyone heard when MDA will be up and running. I work in one of the 10 stations that is rumored to go mainline-express when this happens.
networking said:
Has anyone heard when MDA will be up and running. I work in one of the 10 stations that is rumored to go mainline-express when this happens.
MAA is scheduled to be up and running March 8th.

Ask Chip though...he knows everything.

If Chip wan't told it "ain't" true.