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Election Aftermath...

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Fly said:
Um YES! When you kill innocent people for sport. Let's attack Saudi Arabia if Bush has such an itching to kill people, at least they had something to do with 9/11.

Kill innocent people for sport!!?? You have literally lost your collective mind! What you're saying is our soldiers are in Iraq shooting innocent people and having a good time while doing it?? What kind of a despicable person can even come up with that kind of ridiculous comment let alone believe it and post it on a bulletin board??
You and people like you like to think the world could be one big utopia where everyone gets along as long as we sit down in a circle, talk, hug and sing peace songs while we paint peace signs with Love Not War written on them. I tell you what...why don't you go to Pakistan and sit down with Usama and his "followers" and come to a peace accord we can all live with. Remember his goal is the destruction of us and our way of life but hey, in your world there is no price too steep to pay for peace right??

There is great honor in what you are saying, but I believe that you underestimate the actualy problem here. This election was not about Kerry vs. Bush. I was completely about Bush. There were those that supported him and those that had a strong desire for anybody but Bush.

The problem with an election of that type is that since Bush won, those that were against him still have the same problem they had before the election. Namely that he is still in office. They are not so much disappointed that Kerry did not win as they are still angry that Bush did.

Those true supports of Kerry will be able to put it behind them, but the ones that hate the president realise that they have another four years of him being in office to hate him even more.

Bush has shown that he is not an apeaser. He stands on principle and these people that hate him will never be able to get past this until he is out of office at the end of his second term. While I am sure that he will try to bring the country together, remember that the Dems started their campaigning almost two years ago and for some, they have tried to discredit him since he took office either as revenge for managing to stop AlGore from stealing the election in 2000 or as retribution for the impeachment of Slick Willie.

The majority of the voters in this country support him and there will be a large number of others that will at least support him from those that did not vote for him simply because he is the President and they realise like you that we need to be more united as a country.

Just understand that there are some out there, and quite a few here judging by some of the recent comments, that will never be happy until he is out of office in 2008.
Innocent people....yes. No I don't think the troops are out killing for sport, I think Bush is the one enjoying all the carnage. He's the one doing this for sport. If he was so concerned about righting what was wrong, why did he go after Iraq instead of the real enemy? (no need to answer this, he went because he had to finish what his father didn't do)

[FredF Posted Today, 10:56 AM ]


I can hold back no longer.

YOU ARE A FOOL. No have no clue as to what you are talking about yet you continue to spout off about these subjects.

With your intimate knowlede of these subjects, it is a wonder that Kerry did not have you advising him.
LMAO oh, ok Fred. Don't hold back!


Hey, wouldn't it be fun if Hilary is the next president? That sure would throw you Neo-con zealots into a twist.

Bush - Clinton - Clinton - Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton
Fly said:
Innocent people....yes. No I don't think the troops are out killing for sport, I think Bush is the one enjoying all the carnage. He's the one doing this for sport. If he was so concerned about righting what was wrong, why did he go after Iraq instead of the real enemy? (no need to answer this, he went because he had to finish what his father didn't do)
[FredF Posted Today, 10:56 AM ]


Your hatred for Bush is getting in the way of any kind of rational thinking. I feel sorry for you.
MrAeroMan said:
Your hatred for Bush is getting in the way of any kind of rational thinking. I feel sorry for you.

Gee, I wonder if Vince Foster died for Clinton's amusement!
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