Election Aftermath...

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Jul 31, 2004
america got it soooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong reelecting that retard. can't even say nuclear. or even ride a bike. another 4 f-n yrs . with his iraq crap.

So what did their tshirts say, you ask? BUSH ARE A MORON!

When the first subway, train, bus, and car bombs start exploding around our cities, we'll see how right the Bush "people" are. If you think Al Quaida wasn't waiting until AFTER the election to start their terror, you are as stupid as bush himself. IF and when all that happens, you arrogant, radical idiot Bush supporters will get exactly what you deserve.


The only ones that want shrub to win are reactionist republicans . . . and rednecks!
A vote for shrub is a vote for Karl Rove! You know who he is . . . he's the puppet master with his fist up shrubs backside pulling the strings.

Oh no, you prefer the alcoholic AWOLer? You got it...enjoy!

So go curl up with your well worn copies of Mao's little red book and Marx's communist manifesto and come to the realization that you lost.

It just goes to show that FEAR works. Bush/Cheney are our Domestic Terrorists.

spoken like a true "COWARD", why dont you run live in spain since they cowed down to the terrorist, or perhaps france where they like to appease the f..kers. THIS IS AMERICA

I decided to compile some of the messages that I've read on this board over the last 24-36 hours. I will admit I am guilty of having spewed venom on occasion. But to each and every author of these quotes: you should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. Whether you voted for Bush or Kerry, it doesn't matter. We are AMERICANS. And each of these quotes above are as UNAMERICAN as they come. I have come to see we all have faults, but we as Americans are better than this. Our country deserves better than this.

Love it or leave it.
i too have been harsh at times in my post and do apologize for any offense that may have been over the top, but it really disturbs me when i hear statements put forward that imply we will be attacked simply because of "OUR" chosen leader. this is not a Democrat or Republican issue this "WAR" on Terror, but an American issue, and yes a GLOBAL issue..... We stand together, or we fall together!
local 12 proud said:
i too have been harsh at times in my post and do apologize for any offense that may have been over the top, but it really disturbs me when i hear statements put forward that imply we will be attacked simply because of "OUR" chosen leader. this is not a Democrat or Republican issue this "WAR" on Terror, but an American issue, and yes a GLOBAL issue..... We stand together, or we fall together!

I just said I felt we'd be attacked again - regardless of "OUR" leader.

And yes, I was a bit perterbed when Cheney made comments implying that we WOULD be attacked if Kerry were elected and implying that we WOULDN'T if Bush were elected. And in that respect (we are safe from attack with Bush as our leader), Bush once again is misleading the American people.
KCFlyer said:
I just said I felt we'd be attacked again - regardless of "OUR" leader.

And yes, I was a bit perterbed when Cheney made comments implying that we WOULD be attacked if Kerry were elected and implying that we WOULDN'T if Bush were elected. And in that respect (we are safe from attack with Bush as our leader), Bush once again is misleading the American people.
KC my post was'nt intended for you specifically, but more for calling WHlinder a coward and on reflection i realize that was to harsh of a word. You and I can agree to disagree without being uncivil, i Know "OUR" Leader is only Human and mistakes have been made, but likewise kerry is not infallable. this Nation will never be Terrorist threat free, not as long as we stand on our beliefs and principles. we would have to become Isolationist to a certain degree and tottally close our borders and ports in order to Guarantee that no Threat was possible. Is more being done since 9/11? YES... Does more need to be done? YES...The Majority of Americans have spoken, Now its time to roll up our sleeves and get the job done.
I would NEVER allow my children to be in a MADE FOR DADDY war. Never! I do NOT consider him OUR president. I consider him YOUR president. Enjoy him.

I do not appologize for anything I said, because it's all true.
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I would NEVER allow my children to be in a MADE FOR DADDY war. Never! I do NOT consider him OUR president. I consider him YOUR president. Enjoy him.
I do not appologize for anything I said, because it's all true.

You don't have to apologize, that's the beauty of freedom of speech. But you are a very indecent and offensive individual. This country elected George W. Bush. He is YOUR president, whether you like it or not. You have 2 options: accept it for the next four years and then vote democrat again, or leave the country.
Why does someone have to accept it? Why does anyone have to be satisfied with Bush because he won? He got more votes then any candidate in history, but he also got more votes against him than any candidate in history. This country is sharply and almost evenly devided and has been for the last 4 years, and unless Bush changes we will be for the next 4.
USAir757 said:
You don't have to apologize, that's the beauty of freedom of speech. But you are a very indecent and offensive individual. This country elected George W. Bush. He is YOUR president, whether you like it or not. You have 2 options: accept it for the next four years and then vote democrat again, or leave the country.
Why? Last election he didn't win and I had to deal with it....and I'll deal with this too. I'm not disputing the fact that he won this election, he did. I'm more blown away than angry. I now understand why American's are looked down upon by almost every country in the world......because we are STUPID, ARROGANT, and BULLIES. So I'll go to Europe every weekend, and never speak English for fear they realize I'm American....for another four years.

And NO, he's NOT my president...he's YOURS. This man would do nothing for anyone except people just like himself.....Bubba's.
This election is the very reason that at heart I am a divine-right Royalist. You put one person in charge, he/she rules by the grace of God. He/she is totally responsible for ALL decisions. He/she screws up, you chop off their head and hire their cousin from Germany. Worked beautifully in Great Britain for centuries until Parliament got the upper hand on the young Queen Victoria (c. 1835).

The problems with democracy...
1. When the Greeks invented democracy, they assumed an educated electorate. Since we are the most powerful nation on earth, do you really want our leaders picked by people who scream and yell if a news bulletin regarding a highjacking breaks into their soap opera or Oprah? And, the major topic of conversation on Monday is who got voted off the island/fired/whatever on Friday?
2. Look at what we elect to public office in this country (and I'm not just talking about President), and tell me with a straight face that Americans are ready for self-government.
3. Politicians are not prosecuted for running outright lies in the guise of campaign ads--and I mean both parties, and all politicians.

But, don't get me started. :lol:
Fly said:
Why? Last election he didn't win and I had to deal with it....and I'll deal with this too. I'm not disputing the fact that he won this election, he did. I'm more blown away than angry. I now understand why American's are looked down upon by almost every country in the world......because we are STUPID, ARROGANT, and BULLIES. So I'll go to Europe every weekend, and never speak English for fear they realize I'm American....for another four years.

And NO, he's NOT my president...he's YOURS. This man would do nothing for anyone except people just like himself.....Bubba's.

That sums up your character, FLY! Ashamed to be an American. Good man!
Wow, an incredible amount of vitriol here.

As someone who swore to support and defend the consitution of the United States about 18 1/2 yrs ago ahd has been trying to do just that since...let me throw a few cents in.

KC: Re: The election. I told you how it would come out about 10 months ago. You could go back and check it out. A country in an overall economic recovery (I know there are pockets the recovery hasnt hit, and I also know that certain industries are having trouble recovering ie airlines) but, in general, the economy is growing at a good clip. Simply put, the United states does not toss the incumbent president on the scrap heap if his job performance is hovering in the low 50s and an economic recovery is in progress.

"He's not my president, he's your's"....wrong answer, but thank you for playing. I didn;t like Clinton. Not at all. The idea that he was being "serviced" while he gave orders over the phone to lob cruise missiles over my head disturbed me. Still, he was Commander in Chief. Duly elected even if he never received a majority of the popular vote. Being an American has great advantages. It does entail certain responsibilities. One of those is dealing with the results of elections. You may not like who or what your fellow countrymen elected, but you are bound to accept their decision.

I voted for Bush. I have many reasons that make sense to me. Had Kerry won, would I refuse to go to work or accept his orders as commander in chief simply because I didn't like him, didn't trust him? Nope, I would have gone in to the office and done what I am supposed to do. That's just the way things are.

Running our country is like driving a battleship. You just aren't going to make any sharp right or left turns. Those who fall into the Bush-hater category can take solace in the fact that he won't run again, and you will have a golden opportunity four years hence to elect someone you like.

For all the blather about the election of 2000 having been stolen......every single media organization conducting a recount....at least reputable ones I've read.....came to the same result - Bush won in 2000. He didn't take the popular vote, but that doesn't matter. We don't elect presidents by the popular vote. If it were possible for democrats to find enough votes in Ohio to alter the state....do you think they would be concerned that their guy had failed to win the popular vote? Not on your life.

Nobody can say voting was suppressed this time around. Turnout was great. Was there bitterness, over-the-edge accusations, and a lot of rancor during the campaigns? Sure. From both sides. There always is. The real bottom line is that politicians are human beings (some have hair that looks like it belongs on a Ken doll, but we won't go there). Political campaigns bring out the worst in people. Hopefully, if they truly desire to continue our country's march of progress, folks will calm down in the aftermath and do the right thing by all of us.

The War in Iraq had little or nothing to do with Gulf War I, except to deal with a guy who had spent roughly 12 yrs thumbing his nose at UN sanctions. Did he have WMDs? At some point in time he did....Clinton and his crew thought so. Did he have ties with Al Qaeda? There were some, perhaps not real "showcase" type affiliatiions but they were there nonetheless. Let's face it. The U.S. is not a real popular country in the middle east. That's because we support Israel. Dropping Israel like a hot potato isn't going to change that, and I am not sure that we want to drop Israel.

Democracies don't war with each other. The solution is to promote democracy. Putting democracy in place is always messy. I refer you back to your US History text. There are going to be hiccups and burps. Some folks say that the Islamic culture of the Middle East isn't compatible with democracy. Folks said the same thing about Japan after WW2. Thus I see Bush2 as almost a daring idealist as president......he invested his political capital earned post 911 to try and fix, once and for all, an area of the world that had been a thron in the side of peace loving peoples since time immemorial.

I will close now by saying that we're all Americans...whether we voted Bush, Keryy, Libertarian, or Socialist Workers Party. You cut us, we all bleed the same color. We all want prosperity and we all want our families to be cared for. An integral part of our constitution and our nation's success has been the one man-one vote principle and our ability to criticize the prez, the press, and the chicken sandwich we got in our bistro bags. We should enjoy these privileges but understand that these rights we take for granted have a small price....and that price is we accept the decision of the elctorate and try to make the best of it.

I hope those of you who detest Bush work thru that anger and resentment. The sun still comes up, there are still football games to watch, and the seasons change.

Best wishes.

ELP_WN_Psgr said:
KC: Re: The election. I told you how it would come out about 10 months ago. You could go back and check it out. A country in an overall economic recovery (I know there are pockets the recovery hasnt hit, and I also know that certain industries are having trouble recovering ie airlines) but, in general, the economy is growing at a good clip. Simply put, the United states does not toss the incumbent president on the scrap heap if his job performance is hovering in the low 50s and an economic recovery is in progress.


Tex...I have to disagree with the economic recovery...the "standard" for judging the "health" of the economy is the stock market. Stock prices don't put food on tables or pay mortgages. In my neck of the woods, Sprint has laid off 20,000 and announced another 1,000 just in the past couple of weeks. Those folks are out of jobs, yet Sprint's stock price took a nice little rise. Multiply that type of rise by the 500 companies in the S&P 500 and you've got a shining light on the "economic front" even though that rise in the stock prices is due in large part to "cost cutting efforts", which usually mean "jobs". I read in todays paper in three separate articles of other companies cutting jobs. It's a recovery if you happen to own the stock of these companies, but for some of those "costs" that was "cut", it's not a happy day in Metropolis. FWIW..my brother is a stockbroker, and many of his clients live in Texas. Many of them are in the "to 10% of wealth". And without exception, they felt that Bush's tax cut was foolish - but hey, if he wants to give it to them, they'll have to take it.

But...Bush is our president, though I disagree with far more of his policies than I agree with, I have to live with it. Funny, I always thought of myself as more conservative, but IMHO, the balance of power has shifted way too far over for my tastes. Heck, I'd imagine that Ike and Barry Goldwater would cringe at what passes for "conservative thought" these days. And since I can't agree with that line of thinking, I guess I have to sign off as...

Your liberal friend,
Hopeful said:
That sums up your character, FLY! Ashamed to be an American. Good man!

Um YES! When you kill innocent people for sport. Let's attack Saudi Arabia if Bush has such an itching to kill people, at least they had something to do with 9/11.
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Why does someone have to accept it? Why does anyone have to be satisfied with Bush because he won? He got more votes then any candidate in history, but he also got more votes against him than any candidate in history. This country is sharply and almost evenly devided and has been for the last 4 years, and unless Bush changes we will be for the next 4.

I suppose you're right, nobody will be forced to accept it, but it will do nothing good for this country to say "this is not MY President". Had Kerry won the election, I would say he is MY president, simply because I believe in our system. I believe that our president is elected fairly by my fellow Americans, and we as a whole speak louder than we do individually. Denouncing the system, and denouncing the results of that system, seems unamerican to me. If it's the system you don't like, then work to change it. If it's the candidate you don't like, which in this case I think it is, then start your work to change it four years from now.

That sums up your character, FLY! Ashamed to be an American.

Fly is ashamed of this country (at least right now), and sadly, there are lots of people out there like her. They are people that denounce our system because they think that individually their own convictions and beliefs are the only way, and any other way they cannot accept. It's too bad, because it goes against this very democracy that so many people have fought and died to keep alive.

I hope those of you who detest Bush work thru that anger and resentment. The sun still comes up, there are still football games to watch, and the seasons change.

Elp WN Psgr - Thank you for your very insightful post. I agree with you that most of us do share the same desires, hopes and dreams for this nation. But the bitter, sometimes awry, disagreement comes with the methods we want to use to get us there. After I began this thread, a part of me wished that John Kerry was elected (even though I voted for Bush). I think that the level of disdain for GWB by most liberal democrats is so high that it far outweighs the way the Republicans feel about John Kerry. I also believe that had JK won, (IMHO) there would be a much higher and more civilized level of acceptance, but perhaps I am only speaking for myself. We need this country to be unified, and I suppose that certain concessions need to be made on both sides of this fence in order to bring that to fruition. I, for one, hope that President Bush does whatever he can to bridge the gap between the two quite polarized parties in this country. However, I say that with the unfortunate knowledge that many Americans out there are not willing to even accept him as our president, let alone come back to a position of objectivity that will allow them to judge him appropriately. Even if he became the greatest president in history, many people are no longer willing to afford him that opportunity.

But...Bush is our president, though I disagree with far more of his policies than I agree with, I have to live with it. Funny, I always thought of myself as more conservative, but IMHO, the balance of power has shifted way too far over for my tastes. Heck, I'd imagine that Ike and Barry Goldwater would cringe at what passes for "conservative thought" these days. And since I can't agree with that line of thinking, I guess I have to sign off as...

I like you, KC. And even though we've had our quarrels, you are a person that sticks by your guns, and I respect that. I would encourage you to consider perhaps running for office, or putting yourself in a position to make a difference - outside of having one vote in the state of Missouri. Your convictions, while I disagree with them much of the time, are noble... and the strength to which I think you believe in them would perhaps be better allocated on a higher level.

Either way, best of luck to you all. I share the sentiments of NWA/AMT.... this debate has been fun, if frustrating at times, and most certainly enlightening. Funny how I know none of you personally, but I feel like I do. KCFlyer, NWA/AMT, Sentrido, Busdrvr, whlinder, atabuy, TWAnr, Agmedallion, JIGuy, among others, (and yes, even you Fly).... I hope we are all able to come together as a nation and defeat what we cannot do unless we are united. I've said it before, we may rise and fall, but in the end we meet our fate together.


Part of the American way of life is to be free to disagree and criticize governement.

How many Vietnam POWs' lives do you think Kerry affected when he was protesting with Hanoi Jane and testifying at Congress and meeting with North Vietnamese officials accusing US troops of atrocities while they were still held in captivity?

Kerry is done, finished. Get over it.

3,500,000 million votes created a huge gap between Bush and Kerry.
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