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Economic Recovery Spells Trouble for Republicans

True enough tree, but since everyone is in agreement that Fox News has higher ratings than any of the other mainstream media, listen to them a while and you wonder why people aren't selling pencils and apples on street corners. And the economy is in WAY better shape than they are painting it.
Crack me up.......on here constantly bitching about fair and balanced and most have their butt in front the TV tuned to Fox.......Hypocrites......LOL

Way better shape......that is arguable at best.
"Nevertheless, they said the economy was largely holding its own in the face of belt-tightening in Washington as the government tries to cut its budget deficit. Growth is being supported by rising house and share prices, as well as steady gains in employment, which are lifting household spirits.

The final reading on the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan's index on consumer sentiment rose to 84.5 from 76.4 in April. It was the highest level since July 2007.

Manufacturing is also showing tentative signs of regaining its footing, after being shaken by tighter fiscal policy.

The Institute for Supply Management-Chicago business barometer rose to 58.7 from 49 in April. A reading above 50 indicates expansion in the regional economy.

The gains were driven by a pickup in new orders, a jump in an employment measure, supplier deliveries and unfilled orders. Inventories also fell, a good sign for the region's factories.

The survey correlates closely to the national Institute for Supply Management manufacturing index. The ISM will publish its national factory survey on Monday.

"The rebound in order growth, employment growth, order backlogs and production, while continuing to liquidate inventory at a rapid pace, suggests that manufacturing conditions improved significantly in the month," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics in New York.

Though consumer spending fell last month, it was mainly held down by weak demand for utilities and a drop in receipts at gasoline stations on the back of a fall in prices at the pump. Spending on durable goods increased 0.4 percent, before adjusting for the drop in inflation.

"Real spending is soft, but enough to help carry the economy forward," said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody's Analytics in West Chester Pennsylvania. "We need the consumer to continue spending because there are not many legs to stand on."

Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity, grew at a 3.4 percent annual rate in the first quarter. That helped push economic growth ahead at a 2.4 percent pace."

You better plan on the IRS scandal being a voting booth issue because the economy will be the last thing Republicans will want to talk about leading up to the 2014 mid-term elections.
You better plan on the IRS scandal being a voting booth issue because the economy will be the last thing Republicans will want to talk about leading up to the 2014 mid-term elections.

You just wait until people start crapping their drawers over increased HC premiums in early 2014......this economy is nothing to crow about. Fragile at best.

Some 50% have no idea about the HC coming.

And it all has a democrat face.
You just wait until people start crapping their drawers over increased HC premiums in early 2014......this economy is nothing to crow about. Fragile at best.

But all I've heard from your side since 2010 is that Obamacare is the reason the economy is in the shitter. NOW it's not gonna happen until 2014.

Let me ask you a question dell....if your dreams come true and a republican takes the white house in 2016 - and lets say that it's a WET dream, and you've got a republican majority in both houses - so Obamacare gets repealed in early 2017. How quickly will the insurance companies reward everyone and drop their rates? We can be pretty sure that they'll drop those with preexisting conditions before the ink is dry on the bill - how much longer after that will the insurance companies return us the the days of wine and roses and lower the premiums? Ever?
Ok then, add taking away health care to the Republican platform. Don't forget Benghazi.

If the congress would just get together and reconcile the budgets between the House and Senate, the idiotic sequester would be absorbed into the new budget and not continue to be an anchor on the slow economic recovery. You have Rubio, Cruz, Paul and Lee, all blocking the Senate from even going to conference. These are the guys who complained about not having a budget. Now the senate finally passes one, and they block reconciliation.

"they have joined forces against much of the rest of their party, 11 times to block a meeting between House and Senate negotiators over the last two months unless they can get a commitment that the nation’s debt ceiling will not be raised in the budget-agreement process. It’s a move that’s never been used before, but as they made clear during a heated debate last week, that’s precisely the reason they’re doing it."

Of course there are those that are hoping for economic collapse so they will have any platform.
Funny, I don't recall economic issues being blamed on Obamascare....even Obama had enough common sense to have it kick in after he was in his second term. So I think your line of reasoning is BS.
Do some research and you'll see HC rates climbing due to regulatory compliance with Obamascare in its early stages.
Just remember, Obamascare lies totally at the feet of the Democrats.
When your no information voters wake up and find they have to get coverage that will cut into their fun money, it will be a different ball game.
And you're entirely comfortable paying 2-3 times your normal premium so some clown who could give a crap gets coverage....?

All I want is these current marxists and their think gone from DC.
Ok then, add taking away health care to the Republican platform. Don't forget Benghazi.

If the congress would just get together and reconcile the budgets between the House and Senate, the idiotic sequester would be absorbed into the new budget and not continue to be an anchor on the slow economic recovery. You have Rubio, Cruz, Paul and Lee, all blocking the Senate from even going to conference. These are the guys who complained about not having a budget. Now the senate finally passes one, and they block reconciliation.

"they have joined forces against much of the rest of their party, 11 times to block a meeting between House and Senate negotiators over the last two months unless they can get a commitment that the nation’s debt ceiling will not be raised in the budget-agreement process. It’s a move that’s never been used before, but as they made clear during a heated debate last week, that’s precisely the reason they’re doing it."

Of course there are those that are hoping for economic collapse so they will have any platform.

And it is wrong to stop this reckless spending? Our chickens are coming home to roost very soon, my friend.
All Benghazi shows the depth this admin went to to lie to the American people and show Hillary as an inexperienced coat tailing buffoon that she is.
And it is wrong to stop this reckless spending? Our chickens are coming home to roost very soon, my friend.
All Benghazi shows the depth this admin went to to lie to the American people and show Hillary as an inexperienced coat tailing buffoon that she is.
So not having a budget is a way to stop reckless spending? That is flat wrong. Managing by continuing resolution allows no way to cut waste. A new budget get resolution does.

And Hillary is not running in 2014, and I doubt she runs in 2016.
News flash; Health Care premiums have been rising steadily long before Obamacare was even thought of.

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No chit, Dick Tracey.
Issue is where it will go after....

Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%

Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. “These rates are way below the worst-case gloom-and-doom scenarios we have heard,” boasted Peter Lee, executive director of the California exchange. But the data that Lee released tells a different story: Obamacare, in fact, will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.
One of the most serious flaws with Obamacare is that its blizzard of regulations and mandates drives up the cost of insurance for people who buy it on their own.

This problem will be especially acute when the law’s main provisions kick in on January 1, 2014, leading many to worry about health insurance “rate shock.”


And remembered in November.
So not having a budget is a way to stop reckless spending? That is flat wrong. Managing by continuing resolution allows no way to cut waste. A new budget get resolution does.

And Hillary is not running in 2014, and I doubt she runs in 2016.

Didn't see you crowing about no budget over last 4 years, so why the grave concern now?
No chit, Dick Tracey.
Issue is where it will go after....

Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
Again, I've only read about Obamacare was responsible for all these job losses. NOW it's not in effect until 2014. Now you ignored the second part of my "what if we dream" question...a GOP prez and a GOP congress repeals Obamacare in February 2017. How soon can we expect to see the insurance companies drop those rates by 35 to 70%?
Again, I've only read about Obamacare was responsible for all these job losses. NOW it's not in effect until 2014. Now you ignored the second part of my "what if we dream" question...a GOP prez and a GOP congress repeals Obamacare in February 2017. How soon can we expect to see the insurance companies drop those rates by 35 to 70%?

You tell me.