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Ebola fear and effects on bookings ?

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airline stocks are retreating yet again today apparently on fears regarding Ebola.

based on the value that the stock market is erasing from airline capitalization - beyond the drop in the stock market overall - one would think that a major segment of the US population is infected and will die any moment.

fear of anything can be far worse that the reality.

There is nothing about living in proximity to Ebola in the US that is any different from other diseases, including the flu that will kill fall more people this year than Ebola ever will.

Wash your hands, don't touch objects that have been touched by other people, stay away from people who don't look healthy or exhibit visible symptoms from any type of contagious disease ...basic stuff
And what you say makes sense ....

But sadly in the media if it bleeds it leads which only heightens fear ....

Then of course there's the movie outbreak which in and of itself has and will continue to lead the way in causing irrational fear .
WorldTraveler said:
There is nothing about living in proximity to Ebola in the US that is any different from other diseases, including the flu that will kill fall more people this year than Ebola ever will.
While the public over-reaction in the USA is hilarious and the media coverage (in the USA) is pathetic, the same can be said about  your statement.  Why don't you look up and compare the mortality rate from ebola vs the flu.
Flew in and out of IAH this weekend and on both flights several pax had mask on. Not reaching the SARS level yet but it will have an impact and will probabably get worse before it gets better.
I flew to Asia during the SARS hysteria, person sitting next to me work dish washing gloves and a cloth mask, but took them off to eat, in the duty free shops people would have masks on, but would pick up perfume samplers and take the mask off and put their nose right up to it and sniff.  People are easily scared and they do silly things.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
While the public over-reaction in the USA is hilarious and the media coverage (in the USA) is pathetic, the same can be said about  your statement.  Why don't you look up and compare the mortality rate from ebola vs the flu.
and is the problem really that Ebola is so deadly - it is a serious disease - or that there is virtually no medical treatment available and when people do get to the hospital, it is way too late?

HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease too but it doesn't take too long to realize that the mortality rate in Africa vs. other parts of the world is dramatically different.
WorldTraveler said:
and is the problem really that Ebola is so deadly - it is a serious disease - or that there is virtually no medical treatment available and when people do get to the hospital, it is way too late?

HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease too but it doesn't take too long to realize that the mortality rate in Africa vs. other parts of the world is dramatically different.
Would you rather hug/kiss a person infected with the flu virus or hug/kiss a person infected with the ebola virus?  Hopefully your answer should allow you to grasp how ignorant your statement in post # 16 about the differences in living in proximity to Ebola being different from other diseases, including the flu ..................
I don't generally make a habit of hugging, kissing, or shaking anyone who isn't healthy and I would like to think that I am sensitive to people to allow them to "bow out" of those habits if they aren't healthy.... and a lot of people around the world will do so.

Again, I am not downplaying that Ebola is a serious disease.

I am saying that the rates of death from the disease in Africa are driven by a remarkably worse health care system than what we have.

and it also doesn't change that airlines are once again being singled out as the problem despite the fact that people co-exist in close proximity to each other in far more places than on airlines. Mass transit systems, theaters, workplaces involve more people in close proximity than on airlines.

Fear could absolutely bring an end to what has been a pretty healthy streak in the airline industry.

if you want to see the effect of public fear on your job, look back at SARS. It was absolutely devastating to the global airline industry.

it is certain that the question of bookings will be raised by analysts in Delta's earnings call tomorrow a.m. since DL is the first major carrier that will report.

stay tuned.
Emory University Hospital in Midtown Atlanta has become the "go to" hospital for treating Ebola patients and has successfully discharged or expects to discharge all patients that have been treated there.

The nurses from Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas that were infected by the patient who arrived from Liberia are expected to be treated at Emory.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Texas Health Resources specifically requested that the patient be transferred to Emory Healthcare,” the hospital said in a statement.

“The patient will be treated in the same isolation unit at Emory University Hospital in which three patients have already been treated. The first two patients were discharged in late August and a third patient is still being treated,” the statement said.

one patient said

“I want the public to know that although Ebola is a serious, complex disease, it is possible to recover and return to a healthy life.”
Bit off topic, but what the hey:  Luck is one of the reasons that Emory U hospital has become the 'go to' place and that is because the 2 missionaries (the doc and the nurse) that were flown there from Africa earlier this summer responded to the experimental drug they were treated with.
no, Emory University is very close to the CDC - within a couple miles - and Emory has a system of hospitals in Atlanta that have long cooperated with the CDC.

it isn't luck. it is because Emory University is a leader in infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, has developed capabilities that take advantage of its relationship with the CDC and the connections that ATL, a five-continent hub for DL, provide ATL with the world.

ATL is one of 5 airports that have been designated to do Ebola health screenings on arriving passengers.

Emory University, CDC, DL, and ATL have a long-standing history of cooperation.


blue collar said:
DL even gets injected into this thread. Amazing.
Have you read the DL thread where WT wrote about the exclusive relationship between DL and the CDC?  One of his better works of fiction.
WorldTraveler said:
and where did I say anything that contradicted that?
WorldTraveler said:
it isn't luck. it is because Emory University is a leader in infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, has developed capabilities that take advantage of its relationship with the CDC and the connections that ATL, a five-continent hub for DL, provide ATL with the world.

Emory University, CDC, DL, and ATL have a long-standing history of cooperation.
Oh yes, now the narrative has been modified to a a long-standing history of cooperation.
Nice spin.
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