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East and West pilots flying together

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I think we're done right there. Nothing whatsoever is EVER the fault of management, at least to "some". Spin the truly brilliant success shown by having, 7 years later, no merged crews and planes available for normal or even irregular operations....? I've some doubt that a great many people would find that truly indicative of brilliant management....but then, there's always your sort to come to the rescue there. 😉

"You'd be selling 2x4's at Home Depot if US wasn't acquired by AWA. " Hardly, but in any case; that would be a fate far superior to being cursed with the intelligence of said 2x4's methinks 😉

No matter. Have another quart or twelve of the Kompany Koolaide 😉

Yeah, I know you are stunned..you aren't used to working for a successful airline..it can be tough to adjust.

And Parker laughs himself to sleep every night knowing you rubes are still on LOA93. Suckers!!!!
And you'd be hawking the sawdust from those 2x4s if the merger weren't consummated. Child please!

No, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't require joining a stupid union and having to have some corrupt goon dictate my fate.

Try again.

The east drivel machine rages on.
No, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't require joining a stupid union and having to have some corrupt goon dictate my fate.

"I have a job that doesn't require joining a stupid union..." Most likely one that keeps you safely away from any sharp objects as well methinks...No matter: That's wonderful news! It's painfully apparent throughout your posting history, that you would likely be hard pressed indeed to be an acceptable candidate for much of any organization at even the entry level of "stupid" 😉 What's clearly missing in intelligence though, is obviously made up for by way of extreme narcicissim and an amazing capacity for unwarranted condescension. Hmmm....that plus the soulless fixation on things financial being the determinant force for happiness or sorrow, as if living life by such "codes" is admirable...or even enjoyable: "And Parker laughs himself to sleep every night knowing you rubes are still on LOA93. Suckers!!!"

Additionally; your complete inability to offer any reasoned response to the following speaks volumes of it's self. "Spin the truly brilliant success shown by having, 7 years later, no merged crews and planes available for normal or even irregular operations....? I've some doubt that a great many people would find that truly indicative of brilliant management." Well.....????

You finally have me convinced. I'm now willing to believe you were actually some insignificant imp within AWA "management"....and...you truly do have my sympathy for that....although that certainly blows away any notions of your never "having to have some corrupt goon dictate my fate." 😉
No, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't require joining a stupid union and having to have some corrupt goon dictate my fate.

Try again.

The east drivel machine rages on.

You talk about drivel. He/she may not be union but you do have a "corrupt goon" dictating your life. You're obviously too stupid to realize it.
Its not Parker's fault that USAPA was created cause you lost the arbitration case.

Makes you a genius at labor deals. Explain if it is binding, why he can't merge the lists to this day unless the membership agrees. Meanwhile a simple issue such as a western crewmember unable to fly out of an eastern base completely shuts the operation down as their jet sits silently in the sun in CLT.
Yeah, I know you are stunned..you aren't used to working for a successful airline..it can be tough to adjust.

And Parker laughs himself to sleep every night knowing you rubes are still on LOA93. Suckers!!!!

Some success. His western pilot gets sick in a hub, and the operation ceases. Brilliant, Name another airline where this would take place. Only Franke Air.
Makes you a genius at labor deals. Explain if it is binding, why he can't merge the lists to this day unless the membership agrees. Meanwhile a simple issue such as a western crewmember unable to fly out of an eastern base completely shuts the operation down as their jet sits silently in the sun in CLT. How much did that Franke blunder cost?
Personally I think that the internal union dispute about seniority is a skinny tree for Parker and his crowds of experts to hide behind.

If management wanted a contract (or was competent) they would have one with the FAs, who have no seniority dispute.

And besides that we now have on record all of one canceled flight due to inability to merger the two pilot groups... not too much of a failure I'd say.
Do you really believe that there has only been one cancellation due to inability to merge the pilots? I remember last year during Patriots weekend flight 64 CLT-BOS cancelled because of hydraulics. The a/c was supposed to then go BOS-PHX and that also cancelled. Of course full flights and no recourse. That's what they get for also closing all the damn bases! lol
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