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Early Out Participants


Jul 28, 2004
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Is there anyone that accepted the early out package(CWA) that is still working and has not been given a departure date, or has been given a future departure date and is still working?

I know all of reservations is gone, but I thought that some of the ATO's early out dates were stretched out longer.

Any help you can give would be great!
The last one from TPA (20 people) left the end of Oct. They wanted everyone gone before that date, but we were short people after all (imagine that!) so they extended some people a month or so.
The last one from TPA (20 people) left the end of Oct. They wanted everyone gone before that date, but we were short people after all (imagine that!) so they extended some people a month or so.
The last of the INT RES people left 9/25/05.

You are always a reliable source for information....

Let me ask you this.....is it your understanding of the new travel policy "65 Rule" or even the "50/10" that anyone furloughed or severed(ie early out folks)9/27 or later would qualify for this benefit?

The reason I am asking is because I took the early out from Winston res and was released in Aug. I would have only needed to work a little over one year to be able to qualify for the 50/10. Can't do anything about that one.
However, it seems like some folks who took the EO WILL be able to take advantage of either program.

Instead of using the date of 9/27, would it not be more "fair and balanced" to use the date the merger was announced? Remember, they did not make the announcement until two weeks AFTER we had to have our paperwork for the EO turned in. There are those of us who wanted to stay through the end of the year in res, but were forced to go early.

You are always a reliable source for information....

"Let me ask you this.....is it your understanding of the new travel policy "65 Rule" or even the "50/10" that anyone furloughed or severed(ie early out folks)9/27 or later would qualify for this benefit?"

I emailed row23middle friday and received a prompt reply that they did not know the answer. Row23middle forwarded my email to someone in benefits and as of today no answer. I hope they award the 65 plan to early outs as i would qualify. But it would be very unfair to those who left prior to 9/27.(which i would beleive is the majority. I guess we should know something soon.
Hey Nonrever,

Thanks for the information...what is the email address for middlerow?

Also, do you have Jeff McClelland's email address?

Hey Nonrever,

Thanks for the information...what is the email address for middlerow?

Also, do you have Jeff McClelland's email address?



As for Jeff try this Jeff.McClelland@usairways.com Thats the format for two emails i have received from US Airways folks, no guarantees on that one! Good luck to ya!!
Sorry, I did not pay close attention to the 65 rule. I have a ways to go so didnt even read most of it other than what I've heard around work. Let us know if someone at HQ knows the answer.