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Eagle merged into AA - The Future

Good Morning Buck! Glad to see I'm not the only Nerd on a computer on a beautiful Sunday Morning.
Last I heard it was by Budget and I got the info at the Kremilin on Pine st.
Additionally, our so-called Industrial Catch-All Union has insured our CBA has a scope clause that requires that ALL Heavy Main be done IN-HOUSE. Pretty good for a bunch of dopey stooges who are only interested in representing the unskilled!
Kremlin on Pine, I don't get it? That makes me think of Communists. So which is it, the whole labor budget, the whole maintenance budget or the whole American Airlines budget?
19.5% of what? the labor, maintenance or American budget?
And by what documentation have you obtained this information?


(e) Contracting Out of Work. In the interest of providing stable employment, but nevertheless to permit the Company to maintain and continue the development of air transportation under applicable laws, the Company will perform aircraft and aircraft component maintenance and
overhaul, and other related work, as its present employees have the normal time and the skills to perform, and for which the Company can reasonably make available the necessary facilities.

(1) Additionally, it is agreed that the Company may continue to contract out work not exceeding the scope of its present contracting out practices. The Company will provide to the Union, in January and July of each year, a report, which indicates the extent of the aircraft maintenance work, which has been contracted out as a percentage of the total aircraft maintenance expense in the preceding six (6) months for purposes of ensuring consistency with this obligation.

(2) It is understood that nothing in this Article requires the maintenance of the present volume of work.
On 12/1/2002 10:38:48 AM will fix for food wrote:

OK, I admit when I am confused. In the outsourcing memo it says in the first paragraph that the NWA/IAM agreement allowed 100% outsourcing and the NWA/AMFA agreement allows 38% outsourcing which represents a 263% improvement. I/m no math whiz but there would have to be some limit under the NWA/IAM agreement for there to have been a 263% improvement in that number.

OK...after some fiddling with the calculator that number would be 99.94
OK, I admit when I am confused. In the outsourcing memo it says in the first paragraph that the NWA/IAM agreement allowed 100% outsourcing and the NWA/AMFA agreement allows 38% outsourcing which represents a 263% improvement. I/m no math whiz but there would have to be some limit under the NWA/IAM agreement for there to have been a 263% improvement in that number.

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