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Eagel Captain Denying Jumpseat To Jb


Sep 6, 2002
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I found this on another website. How do we get in touch with this guys Cheif Pilot?

Having just completed my Eagle RJ captian checkrides, I will NOT allow ANY pilots from JetBlue to ride for free on my airplane (jumpseat). The jumpseat is and always has been a professional courtesy for pilots to get back and forth to work. The JetBlue pilot corp has done more damage to the piloting profession than any other group that I can think of in my 17 years of airline flying. My professional courtesy of allowing JetBlue jumpseaters goes out the window when they are flying 100 seat jets for 50 seat jet payrates. I encourage each of you to do the same. Tell them WHY you're doing it and that there is a grass root effort at both Eagle and AA to deny them jumpseat for the reasons listed above. I'm in the process of contacting my friends at Continental and Northwest to do the same. I make more per seat at Eagle than the JetBlue guys that are flying the A320, much less the E190.

Furloughed Joe Emerson
Don't call the chief pilot because over 50 AA pilots have explained to him he screwed up. A few of us have our own agendas like everywhere else but Jet Blue is not the problem in our industry and we all know it. Denying a jump seat to anybody but a scab is totally wrong. It always backfires and isn't fair to the guy trying to get to work.

I allowed a pilot on my jumpseat and explained to him how I knew his airline wouldn't allow me on their jumpseat. Now would you please tell your chief pilot what I did and why he should change their policy. Doug
Just because you see it here doesn't mean that is actually happening or that he even wrote it. I have jumped without looking before, with ugly results. Just my thoughts............
Not that I agree with the guy starting this post but one time I was denied to ride the F/A jumpseat on a Jetblue flight because the B F/A "just didn't feel like having jumpseaters on board". All I have to say is that wasn't nice. :down:
GroundedBoricua said:
Not that I agree with the guy starting this post but one time I was denied to ride the F/A jumpseat on a Jetblue flight because the B F/A "just didn't feel like having jumpseaters on board". All I have to say is that wasn't nice. :down:

Sucks to hear that, should have gotten hold of the Captain. The F/A do not hold control over the jumpseat, had it been me, she would have seen the error of her ways. Come back and see us🙂
Dizel8 said:
Sucks to hear that, should have gotten hold of the Captain. The F/A do not hold control over the jumpseat, had it been me, she would have seen the error of her ways. Come back and see us🙂
Good to hear that. We need to help each other out.
Dizel8 said:
Sucks to hear that, should have gotten hold of the Captain. The F/A do not hold control over the jumpseat, had it been me, she would have seen the error of her ways. Come back and see us🙂

Hmmm. I can understand the Capt. ruling on the flight deck jumpseat but to insist on granting the cabin jumpseat against the desires of the F/A would make for some interesting human factors issues for the rest of the flight. That being said, there are ways to make the seat available while letting her think it was her idea all along! 😀
"Hmmm. I can understand the Capt. ruling on the flight deck jumpseat but to insist on granting the cabin jumpseat against the desires of the F/A would make for some interesting human factors issues for the rest of the flight. That being said, there are ways to make the seat available while letting her think it was her idea all along!"

There are indeed many ways to accomplish the goal, each situation is different of course, but the long of the short is, jumpseating is enough of a hassle, a little help goes a long way. If the story was, that the F/A simply didn't "feel" like have a j/s onboard, that is, IMHO, simply not reason enough.
Can't he come up with another way to show his disapproval of the B6 guys? I mean come on, there's no reason to keep anyone from getting to work... and as for the F/A that "didn't feel like" having a j/s on board, they'll get their own one day when they're trying to get somewhere.
GroundedBoricua said:
Not that I agree with the guy starting this post but one time I was denied to ride the F/A jumpseat on a Jetblue flight because the B F/A "just didn't feel like having jumpseaters on board". All I have to say is that wasn't nice. :down:

If that ever happens again request to tspeak with the captain. If it comes down to the fa or the jumpseater being denied with no just cause I'll find another flight attendant. That should have never happened.
I've got to agree with the other B6 guys here. The FA, any FA, has no authority to deny the jumpseat to anyone. The FA is welcome to bring any concerns to the captain, but can't act on their own. He/she was way out of line if that's the whole story. Of course, we don't have the whole story here, and it's entirely possible there was other concerns that were not relayed to you. Maybe even concerns about you.

I've personally gone out of my way to accommodate all jumpseaters, even delaying flights to make sure everyone is taken care of, and I think that's typical. Don't let one bad experience sour your impression of JetBlue. Believe me, if you wanted to start holding a grudge, there would be plenty of B6 guys with stories as well. Let's not go there.
I fly for US Airways express and commute out of MSP. I have had at least two NWA captains tell me that I cannot jumpseat if I work for jetBlue. One of them said something about flying big airplanes for very little money. When I pointed out that JB pilots make more money flying the A320 than US Airways, his comment was that US Airways won't be around long anyway. He sees his paychecks getting smaller and needs to blame someone I guess.

I'm interviewing at JB tomorrow and would LOVE to have the job. I just wonder if I'll have much trouble getting to work if I'm fortunate enough to get hired.