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Dragon Lady Is Back

He didn't. He said that if you're worried about having someone look over your shoulder, then it's perhaps because you're doing what you shouldn't be, or not doing what you should. Nowhere in there was any suggestion that if you're being watched and doing what you should be doing that your job is guaranteed.
<_< OOOOHH Bob Piney, do i detect some bitterness from u! For your info, I worked for that co for 24 years... I now have a masters degree and am working on my doctorate.. Mr Smartipants, who thinks he's the guru of business. I think i smell something foul here.. A sheep in wolfes clothing possibly???. Will we ever know ur REAL identity? Sounds like u are US mgmt..in some shape or form......I also think if u spent as much time on this site as u do with ur business, well you would be a billionaire!!!!.... and no need to continue bashing anyone who does see UR SUPERIOR MGMT INSIGHT.....
😀 Exactly what i expected from someone like U.....Right on the money on that one... Think i'll keep my responses and comments for the "real " workers out there.. The under appreciated,undervalued hard working line employees of US........
PineyBob said:
Contrary to what you may think I do not need to hold my hand over an open flame to see if I'll get burned anymore than I need to work at US to "Feel Your Pain"

There is asprin available. It's called the Sunday Help wanted section, Monster.com, Jobs.com, usaviation has a job bulletin board and of course you could also take a pro-active stance and offer solutions instead of whinning. Every company has problems and you can be a part of the problem or part of the solution. Again, choices

It is completely in YOUR power to change your current situation. You can continue to lash out at me which is of course your right or you can make a personally more productive move and look around you and inside of yourself and decide on a plan that will enrich your life in areas that are appealing to you.

But if working at US Airways makes you sick, Dr. Piney recommends that you remove the source of the chronic pain. Perform a UAIRECTOMY on yourself. Either that or pick up an oar and start rowing!
Piney!!!! Excellent!!! THERE IS LIFE AFTER USAIRWAYS!!!!!! Your las part of your quote is a classic!!!!!! UAIRECTOMY!!!!!!! great!!!!!!
As interesting as the last several posts have been, they have been a little of topic.
("dragon lady"). One thing I left out of my ealier post, perhaps the orignator of the thread used the term because Ms Srabian is a woman who is successful in traditionally male dominated field. Until this topic started, I had not heard anyone speak ill of her.

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