
Aug 17, 2007
Doug Parkers words at the CLT town hall meeting: "YOU WILL GET NOT A PENNY MORE" are coming true.

So many Fleet Service workers are getting sucked into the big sell.

When it comes down to it, we are trading 1. A $300,000,000 Arbitration Case
2. Profit Sharing
3. A higher part time/ full time ratio

All for a Transition Package represented by the IAM as worth


Not only will we not get "not a penny more", but Doug has managed to squeeze millions and millions

Think about it
Doug Parkers words at the CLT town hall meeting: "YOU WILL GET NOT A PENNY MORE" are coming true.

So many Fleet Service workers are getting sucked into the big sell.

When it comes down to it, we are trading 1. A $300,000,000 Arbitration Case
2. Profit Sharing
3. A higher part time/ full time ratio

All for a Transition Package represented by the IAM as worth

Not only will we not get "not a penny more", but Doug has managed to squeeze millions and millions

Think about it

you keep smoking that ... what ever it is it must be good , i guess you won't be seeing much of a raise out of this , but me and my boys out west are gonna "party like a rockstar" ohhh yeah...

But i also see you forgot to mention that

2. Field stations will now enjoy greater protection more class 2 citizens , and from now on they won't have to worry about getting screwed by the majority cause we're not like that out west .

oh and the best part for some people might be the fact that you don't have to be here for 19 years to get your third week of vaction ..

EDIT: oh and i almost forgot , it's not like you have WON the CIC , so you are NOT trading away a sure thing , and don't forget that the union leaders completely endorses this contract ......furthermore if they are giving up on the CIC well maybe just maybe they think we can't win it .. i know that's a frightening possiblity to you because that's all you can or have been able to see for quite sometime , but yes you CAN lose...
you keep smoking that ... what ever it is it must be good , i guess you won't be seeing much of a raise out of this , but me and my boys out west are gonna "party like a rockstar" ohhh yeah...

But i also see you forgot to mention that

2. Field stations will now enjoy greater protection more class 2 citizens , and from now on they won't have to worry about getting screwed by the majority cause we're not like that out west .

oh and the best part for some people might be the fact that you don't have to be here for 19 years to get your third week of vaction ..

EDIT: oh and i almost forgot , it's not like you have WON the CIC , so you are NOT trading away a sure thing , and don't forget that the union leaders completely endorses this contract ......furthermore if they are giving up on the CIC well maybe just maybe they think we can't win it .. i know that's a frightening possiblity to you because that's all you can or have been able to see for quite sometime , but yes you CAN lose...
Freedom you are way off base on this thing.
If this comtract goes thru Doug will be laughing all the way to the bank.
you keep smoking that ... what ever it is it must be good , i guess you won't be seeing much of a raise out of this , but me and my boys out west are gonna "party like a rockstar" ohhh yeah...

But i also see you forgot to mention that

2. Field stations will now enjoy greater protection more class 2 citizens , and from now on they won't have to worry about getting screwed by the majority cause we're not like that out west .

oh and the best part for some people might be the fact that you don't have to be here for 19 years to get your third week of vaction ..

EDIT: oh and i almost forgot , it's not like you have WON the CIC , so you are NOT trading away a sure thing , and don't forget that the union leaders completely endorses this contract ......furthermore if they are giving up on the CIC well maybe just maybe they think we can't win it .. i know that's a frightening possiblity to you because that's all you can or have been able to see for quite sometime , but yes you CAN lose...
How much sienority do you have?
Freedom you are way off base on this thing.
If this comtract goes thru Doug will be laughing all the way to the bank.

is this TRANSITION agreement good for the company ? yes , is it good for the workers? our union thinks so ... if the men and women who lead our union ALL agree that we should vote yes on this , then what more can you ask for ?

personally i think we will be in a much stronger postion when the next contract rolls around ....

Right now i think we have too many people who want to "gamble" with our futures who have their hopes set on winning the CIC , it seems to me most of the discussion is about pursing the CIC .... and if i was in their postion i might want to take that risk .

The only problem is i'm not , i'm a west worker , and we've been getting shafted for TOO long , we simply cannot afford to wait a "few" more years for this to resolve itself ..

Now some of you are going to get the idea that our union is taking the "wests" side and throwing away your CIC greviance to help "us" but i highly doubt that your elected leaders who are all "east" people are they not? would throw away your future soley out of pitty for the west , and next somone will say their doing it for the flight benfits their going to get ...well their in the union , which means they've got acesses to the money , so if they want to get somewhere i highly doubt not having an agreement with this company would have prevented them from going ..
is this TRANSITION agreement good for the company ? yes , is it good for the workers? our union thinks so ... if the men and women who lead our union ALL agree that we should vote yes on this , then what more can you ask for ?

personally i think we will be in a much stronger postion when the next contract rolls around ....

Right now i think we have too many people who want to "gamble" with our futures who have their hopes set on winning the CIC , it seems to me most of the discussion is about pursing the CIC .... and if i was in their postion i might want to take that risk .

The only problem is i'm not , i'm a west worker , and we've been getting shafted for TOO long , we simply cannot afford to wait a "few" more years for this to resolve itself ..

Now some of you are going to get the idea that our union is taking the "wests" side and throwing away your CIC greviance to help "us" but i highly doubt that your elected leaders who are all "east" people are they not? would throw away your future soley out of pitty for the west , and next somone will say their doing it for the flight benfits their going to get ...well their in the union , which means they've got acesses to the money , so if they want to get somewhere i highly doubt not having an agreement with this company would have prevented them from going ..
You know if there was no merger you would never have gotten any raise and still be making sub par wages. Don’t be fooled by this contract.
I am aware of the west employee’s situation and the money is better for you but on the east we have been there and these bank robbers are here again and they are counting on you. I am CWA and yes I may not have a dog in this fight but I hope to have one.
This is the first step in saying enough is enough.

I have said this before but here it is again.


I don’t know what your agenda is but I for one have had enough!
  • Thread Starter
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  • #7
Freedom, I want to play poker with you!

With over 300,000,000 on the line we are essentially folding on
Doug Parkers bluff.


The east has holds contract language worth a tremendous amount.............we have a grip on the left nut
The west can enter into Section 6 hold the right nut

If we we vote this down, we stay as we are. The money keeps adding up on Doug every day.
If we call him on his bluff, we can get substantially more at the table.

Lets squeeze together and all party like rock stars.

Ther is a Bigger Picture!
You know if there was no merger you would never have gotten any raise and still be making sub par wages. Don’t be fooled by this contract.
I am aware of the west employee’s situation and the money is better for you but on the east we have been there and these bank robbers are here again and they are counting on you. I am CWA and yes I may not have a dog in this fight but I hope to have one.
This is the first step in saying enough is enough.

I have said this before but here it is again.


I don’t know what your agenda is but I for one have had enough!

if there hadn't been a merger we'd still be TWU , and already have had a new contract .

your right 9/11 has passed , what we ARE recovering from is not one but TWO BK's . That's why we've been set back so far , that's why the bar is so low .

Running an airline isn't magic , i doubt doug can go "abra cadabra presto poof" and give all the workers the wages they once had and loved . We are in compeition for our very jobs with the other airlines and even thou we've made profit so far this year , we still have leases to pay and retooling that needs to be done ..

i still see the merits in this contract , but you have to think about what's coming down the road instead of whats going on right now ....foresight ... and i know this is hard for alot of the guys who've been here 25 years , but if they can hold on for just one more go on the merry go round i think things will turn out alright in the end .

This is almost like a math equation , we're weighting time vs cost vs happiness ...
Freedom, I want to play poker with you!

With over 300,000,000 on the line we are essentially folding on
Doug Parkers bluff.


The east has holds contract language worth a tremendous amount.............we have a grip on the left nut
The west can enter into Section 6 hold the right nut

If we we vote this down, we stay as we are. The money keeps adding up on Doug every day.
If we call him on his bluff, we can get substantially more at the table.

Lets squeeze together and all party like rock stars.

Ther is a Bigger Picture!

that's a pretty picture you paint ... but i am not informed enough on all the fine details to know if that's an accurate assment of our current situation , that's what why we cut 100,000 checks to our leaders , and THEY say that it is not so ...
I guess some of you didn't get the memo--there will be one thread per week per union--one for East and one for West.

Please consider this before starting new threads on the same basic topic.

A letter or an email message regarding the same dispute does NOT constitute a different subject.

Thank you.
geez i need to learn to spell ... i for one am not "anti east" . I can understand why you want what you want , and if in your shoes would proably act/speak the way you do .
2. Field stations will now enjoy greater protection"

Not exactly. Those east field stations are not coming back, even though CWA employees are still in them, and even though west field stations will remain open (for the time being). Not exactly a level playing field.

That means the furloughed agents face exactly the same dilemma they faced in 2005. Furlough or move to PHL. They didn't move in 2005, and few will move now. The new furlough language is 'feel-good' talk that will have little effect, and the company knows it.
That pretty much sums it all up. The currently furloughed people have to be back at work prior to 9/5 in order to get their old pay rates, or they are screwed again. Not very likely that too many can make a decsion and act on it in such a short amount of time.
if there hadn't been a merger we'd still be TWU , and already have had a new contract .

your right 9/11 has passed , what we ARE recovering from is not one but TWO BK's . That's why we've been set back so far , that's why the bar is so low .

Running an airline isn't magic , i doubt doug can go "abra cadabra presto poof" and give all the workers the wages they once had and loved . We are in compeition for our very jobs with the other airlines and even thou we've made profit so far this year , we still have leases to pay and retooling that needs to be done ..

i still see the merits in this contract , but you have to think about what's coming down the road instead of whats going on right now ....foresight ... and i know this is hard for alot of the guys who've been here 25 years , but if they can hold on for just one more go on the merry go round i think things will turn out alright in the end .

This is almost like a math equation , we're weighting time vs cost vs happiness ...

Freedom I hope you've done your math correctly....The raise is nice and long overdue for the west but add up what you're losing. Your raise isn't even a fraction of what it looks like. As for the 60 day rule that the union is touting they got rid of .....they didn''s still in the contract in fact if you were laid off from PIT you're probably screwed forever because unless you get called back to PIT you only had 60 days to go elsewhere or you'll be starting back at day one. As for the extra security in the field stations that is short-lived as the date is in the contract for a reason. As for the 2 BK's putting us in this position you are correct.....It also put the company in the sweet position to be able to pay us at least respectable wage without further raping us of more benefits. The 2 BK's allowed them to not only screw us but a boatload of vendors so we have lowered our costs to leave more for someone. Not us you see but Dougie and his crew. The bar is set low only because you've been beat down so long by Dougie and crew that you will take anything including as you said "piss poor contract". As for the one more go on the merry go round it probably won't be good. You've probably not been around long enough to have turned a complete circle on the airline merry go round but the way it works is it's an up and down industry. You have to hope when you rotate on the ride that you can have your negotiations happen at the up end of the cycle so you can be treated fairly and get something in return for your hard work. You then have to dread the time you negotiate on the down side as they always want to take take take. Well we're on the up side and giving away a ton. Odds are the next time that you're looking forward to so much will be on a down time and then we can look to give back more. As for the profit sharing what's up with that? If this company rolls in the dough everyone should share in the money. To say oh this raise more than makes up for it is not the point. Our competition pays better and has profit sharing. BOTH. You are getting neither if the company gets their way. Your wages are still at the bottom of the industry even though they look good to you only because of the years and years of being underpaid. Where does the money they're not giving us go? Into Dougie and company's pockets. Enough giving. Even without the CIC looming this contract is "piss poor". That's the worst of it is everyone thinks all us Easties are banking on is the CIC. It's not. I would vote Hell NO even without the CIC and demand a contract on par with our peers. We deserve it after all Southwest and us are the most profitable right now. I understand we won't see Southwest numbers in our contracts ever because we have to pay for our inept management somehow but how about some Continental numbers or something. At least they don't have to pay dues to get a deal better than ours.