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DOT Issues Final China Authority

The Nagoya route was sold to NW. The PHX and LAS to HNL were wet leased with NW and TZ. This was before the pilots were unionized if I remember correctly.
So back to the question of the week - HOW is US going to fly this route? 340's still available ~ when is Tempe going to do some work on this - or will it be in typical US mgmt fashion. Will they drag their feet, procrastinate or just give up on flying it all together? Hope US gets off their duffs and does this one right. The right a/c with "real " airline service - ya know Envoy ( upgraded ) and economy with comfortable seats, good IFE, crew bunks and enough seat pitch- just to name a few. Still hope US can make this decision properly. Time will tell- BESt of luck! :up:

What exactly is a "wet lease"?
If memory serves HP briefly operated the Japan flights for NW between the time the routes were sold and the time NW was able to free up lift to operate the flights.

What exactly is a "wet lease"?

A dry lease is an aircraft lease wherein the lessee gets the airplane but supplies crew, fuel, Mx, etc.

When an aircraft is said to be wet leased the lessor supplies the airplane as part of a package including crew, fuel Mx etc. In a wet lease the lessor operates the aircraft under his/her own certificate at the behest of the lessee. It is akin to a long term charter agreement.

There are variations on the theme. The wet/dry refers to a lease with/without fuel and implies everything else.

Ironically in most wet lease agreements the one thing that the lessee is required to pay for is the fuel.