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Don''t go breakin'' my heart & U''s MEC


You know bubb, you do make me chuckle! I think you are the one who actually “is†(woops, maybe it’s are) exasperated.

Thanks for the spell check, you are correct and accurate. Writing “is†spelled with “one†“TT†and not two “Tâ€. Most important though, maybe you should go back and read some of your misspelled words before you begin criticizing, what do you think? Look your 51st post up, tell me how "perfomance" is spelled. Not that “I†care, but since you care, please practice what thou preaches.

Ok boss I looked up the word “clarity†and “isâ€, do you want Abridged or Unabridged. Do you want the Webster or Heritage version?

What “is†your point? Did I do OK boss?

Instead of avoiding the actual question dude, you need to answer the questions without using excuse by leading into other questions.

The first part of recovery “is†realizing and knowing there ‘is†a problem, then admitting and accepting you have the problem. One cannot admit without realizing and knowing first. But we are on the same page dude!

So why are “YOU†not addressing the questions I posed? Afraid, fear, denial, embarrassment, humiliation, knowing the questions and scenarios are valid?

Maybe you should look up in your dictionary the meaning of “thread†and “postâ€, see which one ‘is’ more accurate; you might then use the proper terminology, what ya chink? Darn, can’t spell right, mus’en be me schooling. Shucks, I know, it's you!

Also bubb, you would be in good hands if you ever were on my plane. Never fear braveheart’s here along with all those wonderful Union people. You know, the people who are truly the backbone of this corporation. The people who actually play a major part on whether this corporation actually survives or not. Those same people losing everything while their boss cannot take the same medical insurance plan, same pension plan and same pay grade. Remember that dude!

These are the same people being hurt by a man only looking out for his future monetary gains.

Ok last but not least, how many times did I use the word “ISâ€? Is that too many times? Woops, there’s another “isâ€, awe shucks, don’t be mad, get glad.

I was right. It boils down to envy and you are green with it. You're what I thought you were. I've worked and associated with a few pilots like you and thankfully the likes of you are few and far between. Even your fellow ALPA friends know the likes of you. You're the reason so many other pilots get a bad rap for being cocky and stuck up. It's a shame you're so wrapped up in yourself that you can't see beyond the brim of your hat or you can't make it past a mirror without looking into it.
What do you know about answering a question. Oh that's right, you can't remember what you said and even after it's proven you said what you did you're still in denial.
I'll tell you what bravey, when you pose a serious and intelligent question I'll give you my thoughts. My guess "is" I'll be old and gray before you come close to understanding the first thing about posing such a question.
Tell Bill and Hillary I said hey!

I was not purposely trying to be sarcastic. I know I came off like that initially.

In U case with regard to the lower mangement folks who got hit in the early part of the 90s, yes you are correct. However, I was making a "global" point with regard to corporations with non union workers and unionized workers in a any particular co. Not specific; but in general.

Since you bring up the flight attendant and the implication expressed that they are easily replaceable, I beg to differ with you on that, sir.
Today's initial training is 5 weeks long; like a boot camp to be exact; only not as physical, but very mental.
Believe me, if the co. could condense the program to meet FAA standards, and save money, they would jump on that like "flies on s_ _ _".

We are highly trained and skilled today. From Bomb threats to hyjack training, to all types of "emergency" situations from "evacuations" of all types to "defibrillation" and "resusatation" short of performing open-heart surgery, which I'm sure is forth coming. We serve 5-6-7 mini banquets a day that are very "time sensitive". Our skill to assess all situations and respond appropriately are "fine tuned" with experience; no new hire can attain that innately.
The more experience you have, the better you become. In our field you learn to be tolerant of all kinds of people even those with "personality dysfunctions" on a plane.We can spot them in a second, and defuse many potentially negative situations. We learn how to defuse irate passengers and deal with air rage to ensure passenger safety. We are the most flexible, harmony- creating group of employees there is, (along with Agents), why? Because the job demands it.

So, with experience, you just get better at the job. It's not only seniority from the union stand point, but also the experience of being a seasoned flyer and traveling all-over-the-world type experience that teaches us how to provide professional service to all groups of people with different cultures. Can't learn that in "new hire training".
That, takes skill and experience.

Should I go on?

You really do have me chuckling bubbs. I mean it! You are so off base you have no idea what you are really writing about. By the way bubbs, my skin color is not green and there is definitely no envy involved pumpkins.

You never proved I wrote anything, no location, no post identification; nutta, absolutely nutta. So please bubbster, remember, parts of texts or statements that surround a particular word or passage will clearly help one to determine the meaning properly.

Since my questions pose no meaning to you why are you trying too bust my bubbles. Isn’t working is it? Darn there goes those “is’esâ€￾.

Apparently I got your goat and you can’t handle it. Your ticked because I am a strong supporter of Unionism. Not only am I a strong supporter of Unionism, I am a strong supporter of fairness and equal justice for all.

BTW, next time I see Bill and Hillary I’ll tell them some yoyo nicknamed AeroMan said “HELLOâ€￾, is that ok with you dude? I am sure they would love to hear from you themselves.


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