Does the new vote change anything?

On 12/4/2002 3:50:30 PM Tim Thorpe wrote:

On 12/4/2002 11:59:40 AM fikus wrote:

Does anyone have any predictions on the outcome of the new mechanics vote?

On one hand, there has been plenty of press highlighting the implications of Ch11 and a greater effort to sell the plan to the membership. On the other hand, the people who voted "no" the first time don't seem to care whether UAL is in Ch11 or not, and I also wouldn't think the changes to the second tentative agreement are enough to sway any "no" votes to "yes."

Finally, what about the turnout? Better or worse than the last one? And the 30%+ who didn't vote last time, do you think they vote this time and will that change anything? My gut tells me a lot of the non-votes were implicitly no votes, so maybe if they come out to vote its not a great thing (from the perspective of Ch11).

Any other thoughts on what's going to happen?
I will start with the easy question first. The turnout will be much better. The last vote was the day before Thanksgiving and alot of people were on vacation. Alot of senior people who have alot to lose. Also here in IND the vote is being held on the property. I was shocked when told that. But the full court press is on. I am wondering if holding it on the property will prevent the laid off people from voting as they are not badged to get in?

The changes to the agreement are not much but that may not matter. Alot of people were shocked when the first vote failed. The cold reality of what will happen if it fails again will change some votes.

It may be to close to call but I will predict it will pass. Not by much though. Like I said earlier the full court press is on from both the union and company. We were briefed today that Tilton would even be in town tomorrow. If he is coming to shake hands and kiss babies he is going to be really busy. We have lots of babies.
Did I post that? What a dummy. Just watched the evening news. All bets are off. The thing that bothers me most is that somewhere Osama Bin Laden is smiling ear to ear. Intercourse the terrorist.
On 12/4/2002 4:43:04 PM wts54 wrote:

Loan was just rejected

This renders the vote tomorrow moot, of course.
On 12/4/2002 4:43:04 PM wts54 wrote:

Loan was just rejected

This renders the vote tomorrow moot, of course.

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