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Does anyone know how many former TWA LLC employees have been laid off so far by AA?

I guess no one here has the guts to answer the questions that have been posted.
Maybe its these same attitudes that put TWA in its' tail spin.
let's put it this way...there are those who were furloughed that wish they were still working with the so-called conditions worse than they had at TWA while there are those who did not get furloughed who are complaining about so-called conditions worse than they had at TWA.

it's funny how one's perspective changes when you're faced with the cold hard facts of reality.
On 11/4/2002 8:18:10 PM LGA Fleet Service wrote:

It is AA employees like you who keep TWA people from ever being AA employees. If you and the rest of your buddies are not afraid of telling the truth about how many TWA employees in each group are on lay off and how many AA employees in each group are gone or are you to chicken to face the truth come on print it out here for all to see. The truth will set everyone free. Or better yet post the seniorty list for each classifacation of both AA and TWA and see if AA didn't hire before the final papers were signed by Carty. The truth will set you free.
[P][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/7/2002 1:54:22 AM Workingman wrote:[/P]
[P][BR]It is AA employees like you who keep TWA people from ever being AA employees.[/P]
[P][FONT size=1]People like [STRONG][EM]me?[/EM][/STRONG] [/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Aside from my recent outburst, you'd be hard pressed to find much in the way of negativity in my posts regarding former TWA employees.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]I'm one of the more tolerant AA employees with regard to attitude towards the former TWA people.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]I work with them on a daily basis,I answer their questions, I show them how to access information in the computer and help them any number of other things they may be having a problem with.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]What I take issue with is the incessant AA bad, TWA good mantra I see on these boards.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]It's gotten old, it's the same old tit for tat nonsense,it never changes and it does no good.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Yes people are laid off, yes a sizeable percentage are former TWA, is it Fair? That's a loaded question depending on what the company name on your ID card is or was.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Is AMR in dire straights at the moment? Yes.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Is fighting amongst ourselves on these or other boards [STRONG][EM]really[/EM][/STRONG] going to change things? No.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]It [STRONG][EM]will[/EM][/STRONG] raise your blood pressure and other than that produce no tangible benefit for anyone currently laid off.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Are [STRONG][EM]ALL [/EM][/STRONG]of our collective futures tied to AMR?[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Yes.As goes AMR, so go [STRONG][EM]ALL[/EM][/STRONG] employees, nAAtive and LLC alike.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]Go ahead and villify AMR if it makes you feel better, it won't get you recalled any faster, nor will it put people back on our aircraft, which [STRONG][EM]is the ONLY thing[/EM][/STRONG] that will get [STRONG][EM]OUR [/EM][/STRONG]furloughees recalled.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1]This TWA vs AA nonsense has to stop.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT size=1][/FONT] [/P]
[P] [/P]
[P] [/P]
First lets get things out in the open and then there will be peace at AA. Carty and Company should send to every AA/TWALLC employee working or laid off a total list of ALL employees in every class in other words a senority list of ALL EMPLOYEES if we are ALL AA EMPLOYEES.
Second if Carty did not have the right to make such a statement as he did on FEBRUARY 1,2001 knowing full well what each contract stated about buying out or mergers he and the Committee on Commerce did not have a legal right to let this thing go through. If he did not then let the courts fight this out.
Third enough of AA people bashing TWA people neither group had much to say about went down on 2/01/01. It was the people at the top of both companies and of course Bush and Ashcroft and buddies and anybody that believes they didn't should look at everything that has happened.
Fourth most TWA people do want to be AA employees but it is very hard to do knowing that so many are on the street unjustly. Yes it is unjust when AA hired people after 2/01/01 knowing full well what all the contracts stated. These AA employees should not have senority over any TWA employee. At that point the company should have a freeze on hiring until everything was settled. So let the company be honest and send to each and every employee working or laid off the company senority list and if they have done nothing wrong what are they afraid of.
Fifth even the NMB did not have a legal right to rule the way they did knowing full well the wording in both contracts and WHAT WAS AGREED UPON BY THE TOP PEOPLE AT BOTH COMPANIES AND THE COURTS, BUSH AND ASHCROFT AND NOT THE EMPLOYEES.
Sixth the JUST AND FAIR way then and now should be to dovetail each class senority list and in light of 9/11/01 then the people at the bottom that whould have to be laid off would be. Just and fair in not seeing a person AA hired from 2/01/01 until the ruling of the NMB working and a TWA person on the street.
Seventh ALL THE AIRLINES WERE IN TROUBLE before 9/11 they all had the same accounting system as ENRON they just didn't get caught. So let all the employees make the people at the top own up to what is really going on.
On 11/7/2002 12:45:04 PM Workingman wrote:

First lets get things out in the open and then there will be peace at AA. Carty and Company should send to every AA/TWALLC employee working or laid off a total list of ALL employees in every class in other words a senority list of ALL EMPLOYEES if we are ALL AA EMPLOYEES.
Second if Carty did not have the right to make such a statement as he did on FEBRUARY 1,2001 knowing full well what each contract stated about buying out or mergers he and the Committee on Commerce did not have a legal right to let this thing go through. If he did not then let the courts fight this out.
Third enough of AA people bashing TWA people neither group had much to say about went down on 2/01/01. It was the people at the top of both companies and of course Bush and Ashcroft and buddies and anybody that believes they didn't should look at everything that has happened.
Fourth most TWA people do want to be AA employees but it is very hard to do knowing that so many are on the street unjustly. Yes it is unjust when AA hired people after 2/01/01 knowing full well what all the contracts stated. These AA employees should not have senority over any TWA employee. At that point the company should have a freeze on hiring until everything was settled. So let the company be honest and send to each and every employee working or laid off the company senority list and if they have done nothing wrong what are they afraid of.
Fifth even the NMB did not have a legal right to rule the way they did knowing full well the wording in both contracts and WHAT WAS AGREED UPON BY THE TOP PEOPLE AT BOTH COMPANIES AND THE COURTS, BUSH AND ASHCROFT AND NOT THE EMPLOYEES.
Sixth the JUST AND FAIR way then and now should be to dovetail each class senority list and in light of 9/11/01 then the people at the bottom that whould have to be laid off would be. Just and fair in not seeing a person AA hired from 2/01/01 until the ruling of the NMB working and a TWA person on the street.
Seventh ALL THE AIRLINES WERE IN TROUBLE before 9/11 they all had the same accounting system as ENRON they just didn't get caught. So let all the employees make the people at the top own up to what is really going on.
quit crying....move on and get over it

you are now AA love it or leave it
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/7/2002 12:57:04 PM A77IGW wrote: [BR][BR]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/7/2002 12:45:04 PM Workingman wrote: [BR][BR]<ENDLESS POST TRIMMED BY MODERATOR[BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR]quit crying....move on and get over it [BR][BR]you are now AA love it or leave it[BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]You are right, it is time to quit crying, you are AA now, we need to move forward working to make this airline fly high.
The APFA system seniority list is made available to all flight attendants. There is a copy in every operations office.
I agree we should move on. Post the senority lists and let the laid off people on both sides see where they stand and if someone is still laid off that should be working they will know. TWA people will only be AA employees when they can bump out an AA employee that was hired after NMB ruled. If you people are not afraid of the senority list then post it and quit hiding behind Carty.
Let's move on all together. This AA/TWA LLC thing is getting old. You are not going to be able to change your seniority. Get over it. [BR][BR]Maybe, the moderator should open an LLC page like they had on the old board we all use to visit. This way LLC'ers will be happy that they are somewhat alive and, the AA'ers that choose to, can piss off everyone that can't relate back to the early 90's when they (AA'ers) were just starting out.
On 11/13/2002 3:46:37 PM capeman wrote:

Let's move on all together. This AA/TWA LLC thing is getting old. You are not going to be able to change your seniority. Get over it.

well now i wouldn't be so sure about that!
On 11/13/2002 3:17:03 PM FA Mikey wrote:

The APFA system seniority list is made available to all flight attendants. There is a copy in every operations office.

Not true. Once again, you have wrong information.
No wonder the economy stinks in this country. Airlines like United and American keep laying people off.

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