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How many MILLIONS will this 2 day blizzard set back USAIRWAYS?

On 2/19/2003 5:43:47 PM dinosaur wrote:

On 2/16/2003 4:41:41 PM Severed-N-Happy wrote:


Since you're severed-n-happy, what's your point? It doesn't affect you at all, why should you care about what's going on.

To answer your question, the answer is "because I felt like asking the question with a boringly predictable 1st amendment right to ask it"....., severed or not I have 4 year potential ties to this company, secondly, it was a good honest question which received several good relevant answers in this and a comparable thread about losses due to storm.

Any other lame questions?
Severed--don't worry. I too am out of the company--although retired and not furloughed--and I too have opinions which I post here. I had 16 years of my life which I gave to US and my passengers--yes, mine--I took very good care of every person I talked to and I also still care for my fellow employees who are still there. We can ask any question we like---
On 2/21/2003 2:31:18 AM drifterreno wrote:

Severed--don't worry. I too am out of the company--although retired and not furloughed--and I too have opinions which I post here. I had 16 years of my life which I gave to US and my passengers--yes, mine--I took very good care of every person I talked to and I also still care for my fellow employees who are still there. We can ask any question we like---
Worried? Who is worried? I was simply illustrating how After 25 or so decent replies there's always gotta be someone,at least one, who has to stick their little nose in and disrupt the flow.