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Do You Think Concessions Are Likely Now?


Feb 21, 2004
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:unsure: Now that the big announcement is old news, I can't help but think that concessions and pay cuts are going to be a very hard sell to all employee groups. It's going to be very hard to put aside the fact that we can hand over 4.5 million to one employee with 2 years seniority, but still ask another employee with 27 years seniority to accept pay and benefit cuts, or we cease to exist. The possible thinking might be, why do you need $10,000 more from me, when you have so much for Dave? Want your thoughts on this matter.
My friend if you think for one moment we will not have to give more, theres some swamp land id like you to look at 🙂
so are you going to be anymore ready to pony up for the new dude or what?
does this open the door for concessions?? i don't think so.
how they say...FULL PAY TO THE LAST DAY? :lol:
delldude said:
so are you going to be anymore ready to pony up for the new dude or what?
does this open the door for concessions?? i don't think so.
how they say...FULL PAY TO THE LAST DAY? :lol:
i dont frankly think we will have to worry about concessions, our meat has been fried. If we do get to that point, unions will have no choice.
usfliboi said:
i dont frankly think we will have to worry about concessions, our meat has been fried. If we do get to that point, unions will have no choice.
FLIBOY....never seen you so short on comments...you ok,buddy?
Frankly, I personally would not vote for any concessions. But I think most will be "sold" on giving because it may be thought that jobs will be saved.

The question is "At what cost?" I mean. give concessions to see US sold in pieces? or ?????

Many have given so much over the years, ( even more than I have) It is difficult to keep the faith wen for years you have been lied to.

Guess we should wait and see what the new "leader" has to say.
you can bet the new rhetoric is going to be "take these cuts, or we're selling assets..."

the new guy has no airline experience, and was the head of an investment bank. He his here to make sure we cut our losses short if the unions don't get on board quick
jack mama said:
you can bet the new rhetoric is going to be "take these cuts, or we're selling assets..."
You can give all the cuts they want, but guess what?

The airline is already for sale. And they're going to take whatever they can get for it. Really, how long did you think the Alabama pension fund was going to subsidize the losses.

The only way they're going to recoup is to sell assets. That means Chapter 7 and soon.
Way too late to save the airline. Dave squandered the last chance U had 12 months ago. Lakefield is only the cashier at the going-out-of-business sale.
usfliboi said:
My friend if you think for one moment we will not have to give more, theres some swamp land id like you to look at 🙂
Cause usfliboi got suckered into buyin it, and now wants to sell it ...... 🙄
Dave S. should share the pain. We realize that your contract requires 4.5 mil, but due to the financial conditions at our company, we can only afford to pay you 50,000. See Ya.
One thing to consider about the 4.5 million. Its total impact on US's CASM, when included, is 0.009 cents. It's really hard to draw parallels between what happens to one employee and what happens to an entire class of employees.

Do not infer from the above comment that I believe Siegel "earned" that 4.5M. I'm just trying to give an alternate perspective to the "well, if we could afford that, we can afford this other thing, too" argument.

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