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Do Not Let Our Members Read AMP Flyers - FEAR

It is interesting to note that thw intl has sent two intl organizers to Tulsa to run the Anti-AMP drive I guess this says alot about their opinion of their new president that they would pull these two back to run the show if what HSS says is true about Ricks daughter then I for one am sorry to hear of this, no parent should have to go thru such a thing, may the LORD bless you daughter Rick

It is interesting to note that thw intl has sent two intl organizers to Tulsa to run the Anti-AMP drive I guess this says alot about their opinion of their new president that they would pull these two back to run the show if what HSS says is true about Ricks daughter then I for one am sorry to hear of this, no parent should have to go thru such a thing, may the LORD bless you daughter Rick

It is a bad decision to have someone who has experience in confronting AMP(AMFA), only from AMP/AMFA’s point of view.
I don’t know who you think I am, Informer, but I am certainly not Rick Mullings and I have never worked in facilities maintenance or been on International staff. I do know Rick and, unfortunately, he has been out of touch for more than a week because his daughter went into surgery for brain cancer. Before you start throwing stones! Get involved and you would have known this!

In Solidarity,

Careful cio. Don't give too many clues as to your true identity. The twu certainly wouldn't want someone to reveal themselves.

Now, once again... why are twu international officer positions NOT elected on by the full membership? Pointing to a web link is cowardice in my eyes regarding this question.


{I'd say "In solidarity" but gosh darn it, I don't use an alias.}
Identity is of great consequence to you. I can see that very clearly. Maybe I could be someone in our own back yard covertly operating from within. OOOOOH.
Why does the TWU keep trying to run a campaign against AMFA? It's almost as childish as Nobama continuing to campaign against George Bush, even though he's already in office and was running against someone else...

Oh, that's right. It's easier for the TWU to try to discredit *by* association than it is to discredit *the* association....

Low road usually only works well when you're dealing with the uneducated. Not so sure that's the case with the mechanics, but I've been wrong before....
It is a bad decision to have someone who has experience in confronting AMP(AMFA), only from AMP/AMFA’s point of view.

From my point of view I could careless who they use, but I do keep hearing not so flattering things being said about the current leadership in Tulsa from certain ATD leaders. just fishing to see if you have heard the same.
Identity is of great consequence to you. I can see that very clearly. Maybe I could be someone in our own back yard covertly operating from within. OOOOOH.

Why shouldn't it? Answer me this. If you and cio believe so much in the twu and the way they operate why do you insist on posting from behind an alias? I am sure the Founding Fathers of our country would have used invisible ink on the Declaration of Independence if they belonged to the twu.
Why shouldn't it? Answer me this. If you and cio believe so much in the twu and the way they operate why do you insist on posting from behind an alias? I am sure the Founding Fathers of our country would have used invisible ink on the Declaration of Independence if they belonged to the twu.
Kenny get over yourself please. There are puppets on the AMP side too, just as there were puppets over the years with AMFA. All this blathering about being professional is just window dressing because there has never been any enforcement of standards other than the FAA sending out LOIs. Every union that has represented amts, do what when one gets into a performance issue, defend the offender because they do not want a suit for duty of fair representation! So standards for amts need to be more stringent, starting with the schools, the FAA certificate process and then industry. How many of us do not look at our positions at whatever place of your employment as a valuable job, something that is precious and needs to be protected? How many of us do not strive to excell at a higher level day in and day out? How much dead weight is carried by the amts that can make the airplane go over the fence safely, while others cannot, or are hesitant to face the challenge? Look at the membership, the vast majority do not participate in the process of representation because there isn't interest and it does not matter if you can recall anyone or can't. For those that are political animals it matters. What have you done for me lately has always been in fashion with the malcontents, like yourself. You have been the same even when working in SAN, but didn't D V work a deal to get you to DFW? One thing the TWU did for many of us was to allow us to buy homes, send kids to college, and then retire with the best retirement in the airline industry.............have there been problems sure, but we have survived, the company survived because the unions on the property sacrificed dearly. another item isn't it true when that MD80 from Alaska Air crashed, one the local AMFA officers who also happened to be an inspector who inspected that jack screw, and told the company about his findings, was eventually removed from his union position and shortly there after left the company? I don't think he works in our business anymore. Also who has given the seed money to start AMP? All of us need to know before hand, otherwise it is a trust me situation, or the 3 promises that can't be kept, the first one is the chack is in the mail...........................do we need to be repaid for the sacrifice, of course we do..............BUT at what cost to ourselves?
Why does the TWU keep trying to run a campaign against AMFA? It's almost as childish as Nobama continuing to campaign against George Bush, even though he's already in office and was running against someone else...

Oh, that's right. It's easier for the TWU to try to discredit *by* association than it is to discredit *the* association....

Low road usually only works well when you're dealing with the uneducated. Not so sure that's the case with the mechanics, but I've been wrong before....


The TWU thrives on fear, bluffs, and continuous demonizing of someone or something. It is quite obvious that as more and more members see through these tactics that desires for something better and more credible grow. Interesting enough is that fact that use of such tactics weaken the already docile union further as more members tire of the same old song and dance that leads to failure time and time again. Another interesting observation is that these same tactics are used by the AFL-CIO which has basically allowed private sector unionization to be decimated. This places them dependent on Democrats, not because they are labor friendly but they favor big government and that is nearly the only source of union members left in this country.

Reading through the debate thread gives one a good example why the TWU runs a campaign against AMFA. It is simply because they cannot defend their own record in the industry, just as they cannot deny the fact that "change from within" has been proven impossible. These two simple facts leave them with no option.

I believe the company has now learned that tactics of the TWU are fear and bluff and that is going to become very clear shortly. When the dominoes of fear and bluff begin falling around the leadership we will all witness some of the most childish and embarassing acts ever known to union activist.

Time is on our side as they are not only incompetent but mostly unelected fools that have lost touch with both the membership and reality.

It has now turned into a perpetual motion of scrambling to survive.

What is really ironic is that the union leadership is always in defense and retreat mode, while the members seem to be seeking advancement. This paradox will end up being the demise of the TWU and eventually the AFL-CIO also.
Kenny get over yourself please. There are puppets on the AMP side too, just as there were puppets over the years with AMFA. All this blathering about being professional is just window dressing because there has never been any enforcement of standards other than the FAA sending out LOIs. Every union that has represented amts, do what when one gets into a performance issue, defend the offender because they do not want a suit for duty of fair representation! So standards for amts need to be more stringent, starting with the schools, the FAA certificate process and then industry. How many of us do not look at our positions at whatever place of your employment as a valuable job, something that is precious and needs to be protected? How many of us do not strive to excell at a higher level day in and day out? How much dead weight is carried by the amts that can make the airplane go over the fence safely, while others cannot, or are hesitant to face the challenge? Look at the membership, the vast majority do not participate in the process of representation because there isn't interest and it does not matter if you can recall anyone or can't. For those that are political animals it matters. What have you done for me lately has always been in fashion with the malcontents, like yourself. You have been the same even when working in SAN, but didn't D V work a deal to get you to DFW? One thing the TWU did for many of us was to allow us to buy homes, send kids to college, and then retire with the best retirement in the airline industry.............have there been problems sure, but we have survived, the company survived because the unions on the property sacrificed dearly. another item isn't it true when that MD80 from Alaska Air crashed, one the local AMFA officers who also happened to be an inspector who inspected that jack screw, and told the company about his findings, was eventually removed from his union position and shortly there after left the company? I don't think he works in our business anymore. Also who has given the seed money to start AMP? All of us need to know before hand, otherwise it is a trust me situation, or the 3 promises that can't be kept, the first one is the chack is in the mail...........................do we need to be repaid for the sacrifice, of course we do..............BUT at what cost to ourselves?


You want me to get over myself? Over what? The FACT that I believe in a democratic, accountable craft union for my profession? As an alias user yourself I am sure you understand WHY I feel being accountable for not only my actions but my beliefs are important. Having a difference of opinion is one thing. But when someone has a difference of opinion compared to mine about unionism which I pay for and they attempt to say I am wrong when they know who I am but I do not know who they are is textbook cowardice. Debating issues is suppose to be an open way of addressing important issues. Something the twu does not do.

As for being the same, yes I am. I have always believed in a democratic, accountable craft union for my profession. I have always stated my name when speaking, not for bravado or special purpose but because that is what I believe in. I have always tried to promote my craft & profession in a professional light. I have always tried to educate the public about our responsibilities.

What deal did don v give me? Oh, you mean when I put a transfer from SAN to DFW and got it because my seniority allowed it? Whew! Let's keep that our little secret, okay? {Wink, wink.}

Your post rambles across the board.

As for " Also who has given the seed money to start AMP? All of us need to know before hand..." I gave money to AMP, as well as others. See, isn't that funny, you asked a question of me and I answered it all the time your knowing who I am. It really isn't that hard. Except for people like cio and others.

I think it's rather comical how the solidarity they espouse in signing each of the letters coming from the TWU was responsible for getting the TA voted down.

These two are just fighting for their own jobs within the union - they know without the TWU, they'll return to the box.

Perhaps one of the TWU slogans actually stuck with the membership, much to the displeasure of Local 514:

An injustice to one is an injustice to ALL​

Remember that T-shirt? It bit you in the butt, didn't it?​

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