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DL to redevelop its terminals as part of LGA CTB redevelopment

FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
Parking garage?
What I meant to point out is not that the MAT will become the parking garage, but rather that no parking garage structure is evident in the renderings (which also have been pointed out in one of the articles).  The apparent lack of a parking structure is what was to me the most odd thing in the renderings.
Also, $4 billion for the project?  Even if DL pays for the work to its terminals, doesn't it seem like a very low price tag for the project?
Seth Miller didn't research his piece very thoroughly:

Mr. Tishman said the “secret sauce” in the La Guardia plan is the elimination of the parking garage and surface lots that fill the acreage between the highway and the front doors of the terminals. By first building two parking garages elsewhere on the grounds, the Port Authority will clear the space needed to build new terminals while the old ones remain in use. Some of this work has already begun.
I'll seen some speculation that the new terminals are on top of the parking garages which is part of why the high walkways work.

I don't know.

It is also far from clear about what DL is required to do or will do.

Redevelop does not necessarily mean copying the same style of the CTB.
Watch the video for yourselves
  • MAT gets a facelift and new ferry service hopefully
  • Only one of the LAA hangars is being torn down which is the one adjacent to the terminal and used as a bag room
  • DL is responsible for renovating their terminals
  • Interesting taxiway between the terminal area entrance and the actual terminals adding a third taxiway
  • No change to the runways because the approval process would take a long time
I would also strongly bet that DL won't have any financial responsibility for the cost of redeveloping the CTB. If DL comes up with its own plan to redevelop its own terminals that costs less per gate than the CTB, DL could end up with much lower costs
WorldTraveler said:
I'll seen some speculation that the new terminals are on top of the parking garages which is part of why the high walkways work..
Interesting choice of words "I'll seen" - doesn't seem like proper English
The plan and articles clearly state the parking garages must be torn down before construction of the new terminals can begin.
700 the terminals will sit on the existing parking garages at least for the ones that will be redeveloped
I doubt that DL will choose to do the same thing.
DL's is going to redo its terminals AFTER phase 1, and if the Port is paying $2 billion, which is 50% of the cost of the whole project that means DL is going to invest $2 billion in redoing C and D terminals.
Too hard to figure that out?
I read the plans to mean that the MAT would no longer have airplane gates, but that it would be used for the high-speed ferry service.