DL January Performance

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  • #31
Wait it's OK for DL to reallocate resources however if other airlines do it - it's s sign of weakness

I guess DL is now showing signs of weaknesses using your logic
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  • #33
Wait when you were trashing AA on their guidance you won't do the same on DL - more double standards
uh, I'm not sure what trashing you are referring to but AA's RASM performance will still be worse than DL's.

btw. the Brazilian Real hit 3 to 1 USD today for the worst performance in more than 10 years.

that will affect AA far more than it will DL.
jcw said:
Wait when you were trashing AA on their guidance you won't do the same on DL - more double standards
If it wasn't for double standards, World Fraudster would probably have no standards.
WorldTraveler said:
btw. the Brazilian Real hit 3 to 1 USD today for the worst performance in more than 10 years.

that will affect AA far more than it will DL.
psst ... the Euro hit 1.107 to 1 USD today for the worst performance in more than 10 years
that will affect DL far more than it will AA
perhaps you can tell us what percentage of DL's TATL revenues are denominated in the Euro and compare the change in the value of the Euro with the change in the Real relative to the change in the Real.

I can tell you that the change in Latin currencies - not just the Real - has a far bigger effect on AA than the Euro does on DL. That is precisely why AA has seen far bigger drops in its RASM to/from Latin America than DL has to Europe.

let me give you a couple data points that I'm sure you don't realize....

50% of all of AA's Latin America revenues in the last year were to/from Argentina, Brazil, or Venezuela.

62% of AA's traffic from S. America (home of the most impacted countries) originates in those countries.

IN CONTRAST, DL's largest European city by revenue is London - which does not use the Pound.

45% of DL's continental European revenue originates in Europe with the rest from the US.

DL's TATL (which also includes the Middle East and Africa) network is about the same size as AA's Latin America network.

finally, the Euro has lost 20% of its value relative to the Dollar over the last year but the Real has lost 33% of its value relative to the dollar and the Bolivar is not even exchangeable on int'l markets.

all of that coincides with DL's RASM performance to Europe which has been better than AA's to Latin America
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  • #37
Perhaps you can tell us everything - you can't seem to come with actual facts

Btw how is your list coming
I gave you facts... you just don't happen to like the fact that 25% of AA's revenues in Latin America come from Brazil, where 65% of its traffic originates in Brazil and is priced in the Real, which has dropped 33% in value in just the last year.

that is just Brazil.

when people like you wade into accusations about airline performance, you had better know what you are talking about.

on this account, your charge of the change in Euro affecting DL more than the currency changes affecting AA in Latin America is not accurate.

and I do have the facts to show it.
wow   When did they stop using the pound??????   that's news to me  Plz show real hard facts to support it   otherwise itll be just another brilliant made up $h!t of yours
obviously you know that the intent is to say that the UK does not use the EURO but DOES use the pound since the conversation was about changes to the Euro.

but of course all of the smart asses (actually dumb asses is more appropriate) come out of the woodwork because they aren't smart enough to follow what is said so they instead just jump on anything they can instead.

btw, the Pound has lost value relative to the Dollar - but not as much.

and yes Kev, DL's largest city in Europe by local revenue is London - which uses the Pound.

remember that DL sends just under a dozen planes to London and there are no connections. DL sends 15-20 planes each to CDG and AMS and a big chunk of the revenue is connecting to elsewhere in Europe and the world.
so the dumbasses as you refer are all of us  yet in your earlier post you said they DONT use the pound  now you change or deflect it to show they USE the pound.   So clearly here its not us posters who are the dumbasses  as you refer   its you
no, I didn't change anything because I am supposed to be talking with humans who have the ability to think.

the context of the conversation was Euro changes. It should be obvious to anyone with any intelligence what was intended to be said.

perhaps you have no thinking capability and couldn't have figured out the context and what was said or perhaps it was Q who decided one more time to crap bomb a conversation because that is all he knows how to do. Since we have already established that no intelligent union would have thought that a union could have put the screws on an airline post NW, it apparently is Q as a loyal member of AMFA who might be the dumb one here.

you are just the puppy dog that is constantly following anybody that will pat you on the head and give you a little TLC - which is clearly why you and I butt heads.
The spin you're putting on display here, World Fraudster, is hysterical.
WorldTraveler said:
finally, the Euro has lost 20% of its value relative to the Dollar over the last year but the Real has lost 33% of its value relative to the dollar and the Bolivar is not even exchangeable on int'l markets.
Actually, over the last 12 months the Euro lost ~25% against the US$
The UK pound lost I think ~15% against the US$
The Yen lost I think ~20% against the US$
The Russian Rouble has been down by ~50% against the US$, but is doing better these days.
The Brazilian Real over the last year was at some point down ~36% against the US$ but seems to have rebounded / or be on the rebound (at least according to the exchange rate today).  Similarly, I think the Argentinian Peso, over the last year has been down as much as ~15% against the dollar but according to today's exchange rate is on the rebound.
Regardless, what I'm trying to point out is that:
1)  the World Fraudster still has some minor math problems
and, more importantly
2)  just like AA, if not more so, DL has exposure to countries (Japan, Eurozone, Russia) where the value of the local currency is declining against the US$. 
Currency devaluation is not a specific problem to AA, no matter how many times a certain poster says so.
WorldTraveler said:
but of course all of the smart asses (actually dumb asses is more appropriate) come out of the woodwork because they aren't smart enough to follow what is said so they instead just jump on anything they can instead.

and yes Kev, DL's largest city in Europe by local revenue is London - which uses the Pound.

remember that DL sends just under a dozen planes to London and there are no connections. DL sends 15-20 planes each to CDG and AMS and a big chunk of the revenue is connecting to elsewhere in Europe and the world.
It's amazing how World Fraudster is pushing the DL is the greatest airline in the universe narrative, and now has brought in London UK, as the savior for DL's massive exposure to the Eurozone.
This same dumb ass, on numerous occasions has written diatribes about AA's stupid strategy on focusing so much of it's TATL network to London and at the same time bragging just how big DL TATL network is in Europe - specifically continental Europe.
Well, let's take a look at continental Europe / Eurozone, where DL is the alleged supreme USA-based carrier:  Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands [nice deflection / spin on how those 15-20 DL flights there do not matter as they are connections], Spain, Belgium, etc. etc. etc.  Oh, and for certain countries, Italy, France, Spain, they're an economic basket case in addition to being in the Eurozone.
Who's the dumbass now?

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