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DL BOS-LGA Shuttle goes mainline

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This thread isn't about AA, LAX, JFK or any of the other garbage you have posted, it's about the LGA-BOS flight moving. Time to lock this one.
it's about NYC.

it's about LGA.

US, now a tiny insignificant subsidiary of AA, operates a competitive Shuttle from LGA.

The US Shuttle incidentally operates from DL's terminals which means that unless you have evidence otherwise, AA cannot move the US operation into the same terminal as AA's other flights.

DL's advantage in the Shuttle markets will grow as DL offers more connections at LGA than AA or US can which will make the Shuttle no different from other markets at LGA where DL has used the hub to help increase schedules and win a greater share of the local market.

It is E's obvious desire that DL will be forced to accommodate AA's need to consolidate its operations.

If AA has enough money or willingness to provide what DL needs, it might be considered.

For now, DL is moving forward with its plans to further strengthen the NYC market, this time with a focus on the Shuttle.

sorry if that is not the narrative you want to read.
Just a better version.. screw all the other tenants at LGA n JFK ONLY DL yes onlythat big dam wiget does no wrong yet all the other tenants at those 2 ny area airports do nothin right might as well close up shop n liquidate all the other airlines so DL can rule the flippin planet
nobody said anything about screwing anyone.

DL has leases which have legal force, is using them to improve its position in NYC, and is doing it in part with 125 slot pairs that Parker said couldn't be profitably used by US so he gave them away for less than the cost of a bowl of porridge since the DCA slots that US got have now been divested to other airlines as part of the merger agreement.

DL had nothing to do with Parker not thinking thru where the slot and terminal deal would lead even though he was actively campaigning for a merger with AA for years.

DL went to town using the slots and terminals and has grown its position in the US' largest market and has done it without screwing anyone. The BOS-LGA Shuttle which DL operated before the slot deal now makes even more sense when connected to DL's hub at LGA where DL already carries just under 40% of all passengers.

DL is winning in the marketplace because it offers a product that customers are willing to pay good money for.

If AA can use its assets to do the same thing, more power to them... they just have a lot less to work with after the slot deal and the merger which stripped away even more slots and gates.
Did I see AA, US or DCA in the thread topic?
Or Parker or the merger?
And no Parker did not campaign for years for the merger with AA.
Time for this thread to be locked.
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