DL announcing raises, changes to Profit Sharing

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Kev3188 said:
Internal Memo now out to all employees... should hit the AP, etc. soon...
 Does that mean you will top out at around $28.50? Plus you dont have to pay dues....WOW
700UW said:
You do realize they cut their profit sharing payout to fund the raise?
You do realize IAM/TWU at US get no profit sharing?  700, Sometimes you have to tip your hat
Albert said:
You do realize IAM/TWU at US get no profit sharing?  700, Sometimes you have to tip your hat
You do realize they have zero job protections and zero work rule protections?

You do realize two years ago DL cut their profit sharing by 33%?
Albert said:
700 you have to admit thats a pretty good increase
 699 would never admit it because it doesn't fit his ill conceived narrative. 
The IAM people didn't want PS and would never include it in compensation. 
now they talk about it as a LOSS.
With profit sharing changes the NET gain is still about 7-9% in our paychecks.  NOT
counting the extra % in our 401K
Something that 699 and the IAM would never in their wet dreams could get Delta people.
Kev3188 said:

That's right. But I hope with as long as you've been around you don't actually believe the company's motives are wholly alturistic.
Of course not, they just chose to pause from eating babies to toss crumbs to the pleebs,
That's pretty much how you see it eh buttercup?
welcome to the boards Lucky and cloudskimmer.
kev  and all the active DL folks  congrats..  
plz enlighten us what happens in the event that DL should not make a profit for 3 of the 4 quarters or in a whole yr     No PS     with a contract wage increases, even when the losses happen    but no PS   PS is nice but I  prefer to have wage increases regardless bec should the airline not  make a profit for most of a single year then no PS   Im sure its lost on a few around here
Kev3188 said:

That's right. But I hope with as long as you've been around you don't actually believe the company's motives are wholly alturistic.
and I have been around this company a lot longer than you.
And have seen the ups and downs and experience how Delta treats it's employees. 
This continues to be the company I am PROUD to work for.  
I just look at my peers at the other carriers and wouldn't want to trade places. 
robbedagain said:
welcome to the boards Lucky and cloudskimmer.
kev  and all the active DL folks  congrats..  
plz enlighten us what happens in the event that DL should not make a profit for 3 of the 4 quarters or in a whole yr     No PS     with a contract wage increases, even when the losses happen    but no PS   PS is nice but I  prefer to have wage increases regardless bec should the airline not  make a profit for most of a single year then no PS   Im sure its lost on a few around here
what exactly is your question?
you state that you would rather have wage increases regardless ...well Delta just upped the wages 14.5%  
but the kicker is that Delta is keeping PS.
If they had eliminated PS, than this raise would be a wash.  But it isn't
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