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DL 142 Change of Control Grievance Update

From the LL1976 website presidents corner:

In mid March, our senior vice president of maintenance, Hal Huele, swept
into PIT unannounced to address the first shift of base maintenance. With
everyone summoned to the lunchroom, Hal Huele proceeded to tell everyone
his version of negotiations, his take on what a terrific job the vendors do
on our farmed out airplanes and how much more money we could all make if we
just permitted our union to relax the scope on our collective bargaining

Looks like 2009 will be interesting to say the least...Why don't you all help the poor man out?Start putting money away now for the strike.

From the LL1976 website presidents corner:
Looks like 2009 will be interesting to say the least...Why don't you all help the poor man out?Start putting money away now for the strike.

You're Right Dell, 09 will be interesting...
The rest of 07 will also be interesting, One way or Another. 😛h34r: