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District 142 Update

The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee put out an update at 9PM last night and a new one will be out today.

Fleet Service has not started negotiating yet, so please explain how the union is keeping you in the dark?
It is a misconception that I or others like me hate unions. Unions do have their place. My problem with the movement is that big labor unions and the AFL-CIO have forgotten their own roots and have become more interested in protecting and growing a dues stream than serving it's membership. The AFL-CIO and big time unions pour tons of cash into things like Pro-Life PACS, throw financial support behind liberal activist causes like gay marriage and wacko environmental policy. I have a problem with that because it does nothing to serve the union's purpose, and in many cases goes to support candidates that hinder business growth, and by definition their member's livelihoods.

I am all for in house union membership. US Airways would be much better with an in house union because the union would fight solely for it's own membership to prosper, and therefore, to see the company prosper. Remember the pattern bargaining ALPA put into place? Every newly negotiated contract started as the jumping off point for negotiations with the next carrier. It got to the point DL 777 Captains were looking at close to $300K annual checks and the company moved to park the aircraft and suspend deliveries it got so out of hand. Bargaining for the good of the union as a whole, rather than the individual groups it represents has in large part led to the crisis the legacy carriers see themselves in today.
700UW said:
You are just an anti-union republican who cant stand the democratic process.
Now....Now.....Mr. Bitter!!! Ummm....Name calling????....Attacking??....YOU 700?? Democratic process and unions?? Now THAT is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!!!! LMFAO!!!! <_<
700UW said:
Well you can call me a unionist.

I am not a liberty stealer, lets see your President Bush took away the rights for the TSA to become unionized, is not stealing liberty?

And I believe in Capital Punishmet, so I guess I cant be a liberal and I am not in favor of government ownership of industries, so not a socialist either.
You ARE a socialist

President Bush did not take away any "rights" for TSA... There is no "right" to become unionized. Its a national security issue....PERIOD!!

Government ownership of industries would be a Fascist belief.....get your facts straight

You ARE a Socialist....BLAH....BLAH...BLAH!!!

That degree you supposedly have...Did you order it online from the Fiji Islands?? :lol:
Once again I am so glad to see how you add to the topic at hand.

One, you do not know me so do not label me. I am not a socialist.

Move beyond US like you keep spouting.

This will be my last reply to you as you never can add to the debate but only care to name calling attacks and insults.

Lets see in England the government use to own British Aerospace, Rolls Royce, British Airways and many more industries, last time I checked England was never was a facist country.
700UW said:
Well I would not expect a member of management to understand it. Do I need to explain it to you?

Your Immediate boss McMullen is there so is Presti, you can ask them, they are quite nice to deal with.

Yes, as a matter of fact I would like you to explain it to me. I read it several times and can not read where there is any usefull information. Before you do, ket me tell you what I get from it.
1. They do not accept the current proposal. No kidding, everybody knew it was the worst case scenario like they always start with, to get the everybody thibking they got a deal when all is said and done.
That's it.
If with your degree and your "in the loop" status, you can pull more out if this update. Have at it prove me wrong.

PS And my boss, I know you did not see and I do ask him things all the time.......... In church. 😉
700UW said:
Once again I am so glad to see how you add to the topic at hand.

One, you do not know me so do not label me. I am not a socialist.

Move beyond US like you keep spouting.

This will be my last reply to you as you never can add to the debate but only care to name calling attacks and insults.

Lets see in England the government use to own British Aerospace, Rolls Royce, British Airways and many more industries, last time I checked England was never was a facist country.
N628AU said:
And that makes it right? Anyone who lives off the public dole, such as a Federal employee, has the last right to anything.
You deserve a speach from Mr. Arrogant himself NFS, as you sound a little jelouse of those well compensated federal workers. After all by your standards, if they settle for less than what they can get wouldn't that be like socialism etc.... bla bla bla?
Not jealous at all. I just think there is no right to one being happily employeed by the Federal Government while living off John Q Taxpayer.

BTW, if they are so highly compensated, why do they want to unionize?
Bruce says they have started with all unions including both fleet and mechs!