What's the big surprise here with Ksher's ruling? He already stated TWALLCers will either get 100% seniority if at STL and MCI, 25% seniority if they are at 10% asm stations or 4/10/01 seniority at below 10% asm stations. That has not changed. He addressed that layoffs will be done in accordance with AA/TWU agreement which states RIF is by occupational seniority. He did not and could not change this provision in the contract. By the same token, he cannot change the provision that TWALLCers are not system protected. Why is anyone surprised with this ruling? If a STL or MCI employee with 100% seniority has to bump to JFK, he will now receive 25% seniority. If he bumps to Miami he receives 4/10/01 seniority. No one should be surprised here. He recognized these provisions of the contract which are not his jurisdiction. I just hope that AAers and fomer TWAers realize that any lawsuit to undue the initial ruling by Kasher is frivolous and fruitless. Everyone has to accept what has occured. Kasher is a member of the NMB which is a goverment mandated agency created not to flood the federal courts with labor disputes. It provides for binding arbitration and is irreversible. AAers cannot have it thrown out and have all TWAers receive 4/10/01 seniority. And TWAers cannot have it thrown out and receive 100% seniority across the board. So forget the lawyers and lawsuits. Just not going to happen.