Bags says;
So STL and MCIE will be on the juniority list, and any AAer with better than 3-01-01 occ. can bump any TWAer out, no matter what occ. seniority the LLcer's have.
The decision says;
Selection for Furlough
Under the TWU/AA agreement, selection for furlough is based on occupational seniority in a classification when headcount in a classification is reduced at a location. Therefore, the occupational seniority under the Award which a former TWA LLC employee has at his location will be used in identifying the junior employees in the classification at a location. At STL and MCI that will be 100% of TWA seniority, at the “10% cities” (where AA employees in the classification have been recalled from a furlough that occurred prior to the April 29, 2002 Award) that will be 25% of TWA seniority, and at other locations 4/10/2001.
System Displacement
Once a junior employee at a location is given a furlough notice, he has the opportunity to displace junior employees on a systemwide basis as identified by the juniority list. Operation of the juniority list is intended to identify those junior employees sytemwide who can be displaced by the furloughed employee through normal operation of occupational seniority. However, because former TWA LLC employees’ occupational seniority varies from location to location (i.e.- 4/10/2001 and 25% and 100%), the juniority list must be constructed to account for this fact.
As stated above, the DRC is unwilling to create new restrictions on use of occupational seniority applicable only to former TWA LLC employees. On the other hand, the contract already has a significant restriction on application of occupational seniority -- a system protected employee may not be "bumped" in a system displacement. Because the vast majority of TWU-represented AA employees have occupational seniority dates prior to 3/1/2001, they are system protected under the TWU/AA collective bargaining agreement. No former TWA LLC employee is system protected. For this reason, the occupational seniority provided former TWA LLC employees by virtue of the Seniority Integration Opinion and Award is of limited use to such employees in competing with system protected AA employees in a system displacement.
In recognition of the above problems, the "juniority" list shall be constructed within each classification subject to furlough in the following fashion. All unprotected employees – all AA employees hired after 3/1/2001 and all former TWA LLC employees – shall be placed on the list in reverse seniority order as determined by their occupational seniority under the Seniority Integration Opinion and Award. For former TWA LLC employees their occupational seniority for placement on the list shall be the occupational seniority they are exercising at their location at the time the juniority list is constructed, i.e. – 100% of TWA seniority, or 25% of TWA seniority, or 4/10/2001, depending on location. The AA employees hired after 3/1/2001 shall be blended with the former TWA LLC employees according to the AA employees’ occupational seniority.
This juniority list will be used solely for identifying the unprotected positions to which a furloughed employee (AA or former TWA LLC) may exercise his occupational seniority to displace a junior employee. With respect to the actual displacement of any employee on the juniority list, a comparison between the two employees of the occupational seniority at the location under the Award will determine whether the displacement can, in fact, occur. Junior employees displaced will similarly use their occupational seniority under the Award in determining their options under the TWU/AA agreement.
A furloughed former TWA LLC employee may exercise the occupational seniority he would hold at a location under the 25% or 100% or 4/10/2001 formula in displacing an employee on the juniority list. In addition to the normal operation of the juniority list, furloughed or displaced former TWA LLC employees will be afforded the additional opportunity to displace junior employees at STL and/or MCI.
I really don't see where you can bump any TWALLCer at MCI or STL (unless they are junior to you) when they still have 100% of their occ. seniority.