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Did You Get The Memo?

Thank God for that little slip about Hillary's server during the Benghazi hearings.


Let us begin by following the money. At least $1.02 million came from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton Campaign in 2015 to the legal firm of Perkins Coie, an obvious pass-through. Then it went from Perkins Coie to Fusion GPS, another obvious pass-through. Finally it reached its destination, Christopher Steele, an ex-British intelligence sleuth who was contemptuous of Trump, had close ties with the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies, and boasted of his worldwide connections with, among others, Russians. He reportedly took $168,000 as payment for his services. That the DNC and Hillary’s campaign were firmly under Clinton control has been widely reported, most recently by Donna Brazile in her angry book about the campaign, Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House.

Now let us follow some of the characters in this emerging scheme. To begin with, there is Steele feverishly flogging his famous “dossier.” It contains “salacious” material about Trump supposedly paying Moscow prostitutes to evacuate on a bed that President Barack Obama once slept in. The report is dubious because Trump is a well-known “germophobe” and because he was born fully equipped to befoul a bed on his own. But there is more. The dossier also contains information about Trump conducting business in Russia, presumably while he was fully dressed.

Steele took this information to the FBI, which then took it to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to get permission to spy on Carter Page, a low level advisor to Trump on foreign policy matters. Actually, by the time the FISA warrant was issued on Page he no longer worked for the Trump campaign, not that that matters. Steele also went around peddling his dossier to members of the media. It would seem to me that in doing so Steele broke the law, he having promised the FBI not to talk to the media. What is more, the FBI broke the law by not informing the FISA court of the provenance of the material that it gave the FISA court and the material’s funding sources. Ultimately, Washington lawyers are going to be in high demand.

By the way, it appears that at least some of Steele’s information could have come from Russians, for instance the salacious stuff. So who has been colluding with the Russians? Agents of Trump or agents of Hillary Clinton? And it is at this point that I shall introduce another set of characters that could have come from no other source than Hillary, Sidney Blumenthal and a man that The American Spectator profiled last week, Cody Shearer. He has not been heard of for some twenty years.

Too much gobble de gook for civilians......what's it say?
Military Tribunals for Court Marshals
People will not face a court and jury in the common sense. They will face a Military Tribunal meaning they can face a firing squad!
Just humor me
Military Tribunals for Court Marshals
People will not face a court and jury in the common sense. They will face a Military Tribunal meaning they can face a firing squad!

OK....think I got it.....this reverses the Holder/Obama civil court trial for terrorists?

OK....think I got it.....this reverses the Holder/Obama civil court trial for terrorists?

Holder is a joke. He is currently BARKING OUT LOUD. He is going down as are Odumber and his whole clan. Wait for it...