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Did You Get The Memo?


You might think that but your own words would say otherwise.

When McCain was POW, he gave away how fighters set up for attacks on VC targets and SAM kills went up dramatically after that.....,

The Viet Cong was an insurgency that operated in South Vietnam. They did not have SAM sites. The North Vietnamese did have SAM sites, in North Vietnam.

Then why did McCain claim a missile the size of a telephone pole took his right wing off, Mr Swazoo?

Because he was shot down over NORTH VIETNAM by the North Vietnamese. Not in South Vietnam by the Viet Cong.

screw your ACA

ACA has everything to do with it. If he had voted the other way and some lefties were on this message board spewing the same idiocy you are you would be ripping into them. Don't say otherwise because you would be lying.





He's not a hero, he's a millionaire. Live with it😛😛😛😛
Either increase the meds you are on or find something else because it's not working.
I love it when they ricochet from the obvious. Photo real, McCain institute Real...idiot keep hiding from the truth (make believe is your freedom and escape)
I'm not the one hallucinating.
Ladies and gentlemen
your voice of reason in make-believe has run out of the truth that will prove a rude awakening. So dumbdog who will take the FIFA cup?
Whatever you say or dont say proves U R WASHED UP!