Doesn''t matter that he signed it. The consensus appears to be that the second, or "extended" vote was taken under false pretenses, and based on a withholding of "True" information by AMR Executive. (In plain english, they lied to get members initial votes, then coerced them to change it in a massive 11th hour campaign). That''s a no-no!
Therefore, any court of competent jurisdiction would have no alternative other than to find that the vote was "tainted" and therefore invalid, ultimately invalidating anything that Ward may have signed.
A re-vote is clearly in order, now that all of the cards are on the table and not just by the FA''s, but by all work groups. The company should even open up its phone banks to non-unionized groups for a simple yes/no vote as to their concessions as well.
Carty and Hicks may not listen to the outcome, but the stockholders will, and therefore the AMR board of directors will be forced to.
Asking Carty to step down isn''t the answer. (Although deportation isn''t a bad idea) but you''ll also have to take his entire staff of cronies out with him. Additionally, AMR needs to pony up and tell the stockholders just how much money they socked away into that slush fund trust, because the way it''s sounding, it was a hefty sum and the stockholders need to know how much money was diverted from a possible dividend paying profit margin. Everyone knows about the bonuses and how much they were, everyone also knows about the pension trust now too but no one is demanding to know how much they siphoned off into it. That amount being revealed may be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel''s back!
AA thinks it has a valid legally binding contract. It would appear that AA will have to go to Federal Court to enforce its notion of a legally binding contract despite the fact that there were voting "irregularities" and Ward should never have signed it. b