Deport all Liberals


Oct 29, 2002
Coulter visits Pitt to roast liberals

About 40 picket the conservative firebrand

Ann Coulter, the controversial conservative columnist, wasted little time raising the heat index at the University of Pittsburgh's David Lawrence Hall last night.
When asked what she would do if ever elected president, she responded with a smile and said, "Deport all liberals."

How Sweet it is...
Coulter visits Pitt to roast liberals

About 40 picket the conservative firebrand

How Sweet it is...
She is the extreme in the opposite direction as the flamers and just as sure her views are God endorsed therefore anything coming out of her mouth [must] be correct, in her mind.

She makes the Christian talk show circuit because in her they feel they have an ally, but do they really and are these talking heads on either side really even close to truth?

Let your soul/spirit be your guide not Ann nor any other talking head who is highly paid for what is really, just entertainment.
Coulter visits Pitt to roast liberals

About 40 picket the conservative firebrand

How Sweet it is...

If she is someone that you and/or your party look up too, you are in for more trouble than I thought. Keep up the good work. You are making it easier and easier for the Dems to make a clean sweep in 2008.

My hope is that those who look up to the likes of her are a small minority, similar in numbers and mentality to members of the KKK or Neo-Nazis.
She just says this crap to get in the headlines... it is difficult to get attention if you are simply restating what 250 million other Americans are saying.

So the lesson of the day is "say something completely asinine so you can sell more copies of your next book that, undoubtedly, will continue on with the quasi-fascist rhetoric."

I must admit... she is hilariously entertaining.
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So the lesson of the day is "say something completely asinine so you can sell more copies of your next book that, undoubtedly, will continue on with the quasi-fascist rhetoric.

You mean just like Al Franken?

I must admit,he isn't very entertaining...

If she is someone that you and/or your party look up too, you are in for more trouble than I thought. Keep up the good work. You are making it easier and easier for the Dems to make a clean sweep in 2008.

We look unto Him