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then downplay the good
downplay the significance of positive results....

if that ever happens.. the downplay...you have to focus attention to what actually.. is not being said...

when people downplay it is generally by omission.. communication/ideas are very limited usually slanted and most of the times biased focusing on one side of a perspective(balance is necessary for an informed ideas/choices) at times it may appear.. actually taking quotes out of context, posting half-truths/posting hearsay or not taking full responsibility for their own actions and comments... and are for the most part attempting to distract or divert the attention away from the real issue..

you have to actually start to pay very close attention when an individual starts to attempt to persuade their ideas and beliefs at the same time downplaying another or simply disrespecting their views all-together. that is when a heads-up is definitely in order, something is being blurred..if someone has to prove their point or their ideas of doing it..their way.. by downplaying someone elses ideas, there is a problem..in the future..just listen to what they are really saying, most of the times...they are not really saying anything at all.

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