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Dennis Burchette 1999 Re: Amfa

Then why were you soooooooo scared to debate the TWU MEMBERS?

Why should TWU members debate TWU members? We all took the concessions, we all took a 17.5 % pay cut, No wait Fleet Service was only 16% and the mechanics bumped to the TWU generated OSM positions took about a 36% hit.
We have been debating each other for many years over such items as the B-scale thru the OSM classification.

I'm afraid you are giving Delle WAY, WAY, WAY too much credit there Buck!!

Actually I was giving the membership the credit.

Whether or not Delle made the statement, it is you and the membership that need to make the choice. It appears that you have already made yours. If you want Delle to visit so bad, show them that you are interested. Again it appears that you are not interested and that you are just wasting your time on this board.
j7915 said:
Buck, if the TWU is all about dues, and therefore in contrast AMFA is not, WHY IS AMFA and Delle so eager to collect money?

If you are truely a grassroots/volunteer operation then why don't you function as one, works for the Boy Scouts and churches. Give a fund raiser once in a while.

If AMFA in Tulsa were to go a la, NWA and UAL, AMFADave and you can run the local out of a laptop.
No contrast is required, the TWU is all about dues as the decline in the AFL-CIO membership or unionism in general has shown. AMFA, also requires dues, but the difference is that they provide a service for these dues.

If you will recall fund raisers were banned because of TWU rats at TUL. TWU can have raffles but not the AMFA. We both know that fund raisers are against the law, but the DA has not enforced this issue at American in TUL.

What does the Boy Scouts have to do with this, it is your political side that wants gay scout masters allowed.

Time will only tell, when that laptop will come into my possesion. That day will come when I can buy it at a 17.5% discount.
Yo Buckboy.... Ya won't get to buy that laptop unless you are over the 45% job loss at NWA....or.....UAL. Really Buckboy...what is it about amfa that tweaks yo twigger? High loss of yobs?...Outsource central?... Buckie..what's yo seniority?..enough to make us lub ya? ..and follow amfa's lead into Singapore?
PDiddyQuill said:
Yo Buckboy.... Ya won't get to buy that laptop unless you are over the 45% job loss at NWA....or.....UAL. Really Buckboy...what is it about amfa that tweaks yo twigger? High loss of yobs?...Outsource central?... Buckie..what's yo seniority?..enough to make us lub ya? ..and follow amfa's lead into Singapore?
What tweaks my trigger, is the democracy. Which it appears that the TWU and especially those at MCI are afraid of??

My seniority is enough to be here when the layoffs start. I might be able to even bump you. But you cannot bump TUL, did you thank the TWU?
Ahhhh Buckboy....ya won't be bumping me at MCIE....but since ya brought up the seniority issue mah strong union brother..did not the TWU along with the AFL-CIO advise the locals to dovetail TWA? Did not the membership from the respective locals VOTE to do otherwise? Show me ole Buckboy where this is misrepresented. I spoke with many members that admitted their vote against our seniority, it was not a proud moment but it was a truthful moment. The membership voted to in favor of their families.

So Buckboy...are ya telling me and all of TULE that amfa would have dovetailed me?

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