Busdrvr said:
BTW, if the Germans found out benefitial medical information from the torture and murder in concentration camps, should that ill gotten information be used?
I wondered how republicans came to be. I always thought it was more about the greed.
Now you all say it is bad not to give hope to the infirmed. Better to just say there is no hope and you and anyone like you will die.
Someday they say cancer will be a cronic problem and other diseases will be cured because people, not like you guys keep working for cures because they refuse to give up on the human race.
Stem cell research may or may not bring the cures they think, but when you take away hope from the dying, you take away a positive attitude, which also helps to cure patients.
What right do your beliefs have in my health and welfare. And when do the rights of the unborn fetus become fair play for the gov. to put them in harms way 18 years after they are born. Over 1,000 men and women have died in Iraq, and still counting.
Now when the 18 year olds decided to leave the country and exercise their rights by not going to Viet Nam they were branded as cowards.
Bush jr. just got his dad to put him somewhere as safe as Canada.
You all must be from this group who do not feel that doctors should interfere with them and if they are sick, God will heal them, or take them.
Now I wonder why they are considered a cult.
Christian Science
Christian or Cult?*
The movement known as Christian Science is a religion "emphasizing divine healing as practiced by Jesus Christ." It is officially known as The Church of Christ, Scientist (CCS) (with headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts), founded in 1879 by the much married Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy (1821-1910). It is one of the more sophisticated modern cults, attracting many intellectuals. Estimated membership was about 350,000 in the 1930s with approximately 2,500 branch churches, societies, and college organizations in more than 50 countries worldwide. Estimates suggest that membership has fallen to well under 100,000 at the present time. While the branches are democratic in government, they all conform to the rules laid down in Mary Baker Eddy's Manual of The Mother Church (1895); church affairs are now overseen by a self-perpetuating board of five people.