Democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread.

Faced with soaring Ds and Fs, schools are ditching the old way of grading

The trend was accelerated by the pandemic and school closures that caused troubling increases in Ds and Fs across the country and by calls to examine the role of institutionalized racism in schools in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by a police officer.

“By continuing to use century-old grading practices, we inadvertently perpetuate achievement and opportunity gaps, rewarding our most privileged students and punishing those who are not,” their letter said, quoting educational grading consultant Joe Feldman.

Several school districts across California, reflecting a diversity of demographics, are taking steps toward revising grading with an eye toward equity.

“We in the United States are more bound by tradition in grading than any other developed nation in the world,” Guskey said. Grading reform is not about watering down expectations; it’s about ensuring that grades are meaningful and fair, he said.

Watering down expectations is EXACTLY what this is about.

Instead of taking steps to remedy the real issues they just lower the bar and scream their failures are the result of institutionalized racism.

This is nothing more than dumbing down the public to ensure future total communist control over a population.

Typical leftist BS.

How ‘Climate Migrants’ Are Roiling American Politics

Refugees fleeing weather-related disasters are changing the political equation in Florida, Virginia, California, Idaho and beyond.

Right.... they are not coming here for the generous welfare programs the Democrats are extending to them in an effort to grab political power or for superior economic opportunites (while driving down wages for the citizens)........ it's all to do with CLIMATE CHANGE. Because why the hell wouldn't it be?

Faced with soaring Ds and Fs, schools are ditching the old way of grading

The trend was accelerated by the pandemic and school closures that caused troubling increases in Ds and Fs across the country and by calls to examine the role of institutionalized racism in schools in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by a police officer.

“By continuing to use century-old grading practices, we inadvertently perpetuate achievement and opportunity gaps, rewarding our most privileged students and punishing those who are not,” their letter said, quoting educational grading consultant Joe Feldman.

Several school districts across California, reflecting a diversity of demographics, are taking steps toward revising grading with an eye toward equity.

“We in the United States are more bound by tradition in grading than any other developed nation in the world,” Guskey said. Grading reform is not about watering down expectations; it’s about ensuring that grades are meaningful and fair, he said.

Watering down expectations is EXACTLY what this is about.

Instead of taking steps to remedy the real issues they just lower the bar and scream their failures are the result of institutionalized racism.

This is nothing more than dumbing down the public to ensure future total communist control over a population.

Typical leftist BS.
Government's went to affirmative action back in the 60's and 70's, in education and government. There were problems with people passing college entrance and civil service exams. There was a lot of dumbing down on these tests because gov't mandated 'quota's' weren't happening. This created a lot of problems as one would expect. Educational institutions were forced into pushing people along who probably shouldn't have and police and fire departments were forced into hiring people who couldn't pass the civil service exams. Police dept's had to hire people who didn't meet the psychological standards also, which created a myriad of personnel and public problems. This wasn't everybody involved but through 'dumbing down' it put many in educated and civil service positions that never should have made it.

So here we go again. WHat was that quote about never learning from history and repeating it?

How ‘Climate Migrants’ Are Roiling American Politics

Refugees fleeing weather-related disasters are changing the political equation in Florida, Virginia, California, Idaho and beyond.

Right.... they are not coming here for the generous welfare programs the Democrats are extending to them in an effort to grab political power or for superior economic opportunites (while driving down wages for the citizens)........ it's all to do with CLIMATE CHANGE. Because why the hell wouldn't it be?
When the Iron Curtain fell, the radical leftists migrated into the green movement, taking it from peaceful activism into violent extremism. The founder of Greenpeace ending up quitting due to the co-opting of the mission by radicals in his organization. Funny thing, Greenpeace doesn't send him a Christmas card anymore.

No problem, the progressives are going to fix everything.

Are you surprised we are where we are at with these people?