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Democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread.

Well now, this blows a hole in the Democrat's "Global Warming" political agenda! ........ https://getpocket.com/explore/item/...cient-global-warming?utm_source=pocket-newtab

Black TikTok Star Calls Activist Alyssa Milano a 'White Supremacist': 'You Can Be Better'

"Statistically speaking, I am more likely to be shot and killed by my Black elderly neighbor across the street than the cop who patrols my neighborhood. Statistically speaking, homicide by cop is very rare, but people like you find power in fear so you keep the front page news," Edwards, who has amassed more than 400,000 followers on TikTok, fired back to Milano.

"Imagine being told you can't figure out how to vote because of the color of your skin. Socioeconomics affects everyone, but apparently you're not as smart as the poorest white person."

I understand your heart is in the right place but you are everything you preach against," she said. "You're not helping, you're making things worse. You're causing more division, you're causing more fear."


I love seeing the left get called out on their BS.

Biden administration to return billions in border wall funding Trump diverted from Pentagon​

During a border crises (fueled by the left) no less.

Biden administration to return billions in border wall funding Trump diverted from Pentagon​

During a border crises (fueled by the left) no less.

$$$$ should've NEVER gone to that useless publicity stunt of the O - T (the " ORANGE TURD " ) !!!

GOOD MOVE, " President " Biden !

BIDEN / HARRIS - 2024 !
$$$$ should've NEVER gone to that useless publicity stunt of the O - T (the " ORANGE TURD " ) !!!

GOOD MOVE, " President " Biden !

BIDEN / HARRIS - 2024 !
Maybe you can explain why we are funding 'useless publicity stunts' in the middle east, but it's not ok here?

American Taxpayers Continue Funding Border Walls — in the Middle East​

While construction for barriers at the United States-Mexico border receives explicitly less than $1.4 billion in federal funds for Fiscal Year 2020, foreign countries are again sweeping up billions more in U.S. taxpayer money to strengthen their borders.

The spending bill, which is set to pass the Senate, provides Jordan with more than $7.3 billion to be used to help the country “enhance the ability of the armed forces … to increase or sustain security along its borders.” An additional $500 million is allocated to help “security along [Jordan’s] borders.”

Another nearly $1.2 billion is available until September 2021 to “enhance the border security of nations” such as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...inue-funding-border-walls-in-the-middle-east/
Dog....look....Breitbart....not Fox.

JESUS. I HEARD the O T (ORANGE TURD) is going to run for Senate in FLA. If so, Adios lil' Marco '

(The possibility of a Senate run, is that the " O T " KNOWS the Country will NEVER put that ASS-HOLE back @ 1600', except for a public TOUR )

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