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Democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread.

Arizona mayor slams Biden administration for leaving city 'completely in the dark' while migrants are 'dropped off'

“We’re a very economically depressed community. We can barely afford to take care of the people that we have here in our community now,” Gila Bend Mayor Chris Riggs said. “And as of the 2nd [of March], Border Patrol advised us they’re basically going to drop people off here and [say] ‘They’re your problem.'”

“They’re not able to give us how many. They can’t give us what background these people are. They can’t tell us what their health issues are. I’ve got a lot of seniors and elders here between Gila Bend and San Lucy Village that are very susceptible to COVID,” Riggs said. “We have not seen the [coronavirus] outbreak that other areas have seen in Arizona, yet we’re going to get punished for [the federal government’s] choices.”


Abbott announces Texas will deploy National Guard to combat the 'border crisis' escalating due to Biden administration

“The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration,” said Abbott. “Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans. We will surge the resources and law enforcement personnel needed to confront this crisis.”

Just another day of Democrats stabbing American citizens in the back.
A dispute about splitting a $1,400 stimulus check led to the fatal shooting of four people, family says

Indianapolis quadruple homicide: Unanswered questions about the Randolph Street killings

I find it odd how very different these articles are considering they cover the same subject matter. I also find it odd how MSN does not post a picture of the shooter.

Censored! ,,,,,,,,,, Guess what is going on people!
Well now. ...... Surprise! Surprise! All of a sudden I've been let out of the dog house! My posts somehow got uncensored!
We got a Democrat moderator!......... Typical!
My! My! My!
Just another Hollywood c*nt pandering to the left.


Demi Lovato Talks Identifying as Pansexual: 'I'm So Fluid Now'



At a party one night she explains using Meth with Molly, Cocaine, Marijuana, alcohol, and OxyContin.

The overdose caused Lovato to suffer 3 strokes and a heart attack. She suffered brain damage from the strokes, has blind spots in her vision, and is now unable to drive. She received dialysis at the hospital as doctors tried to save her, and they did even after she suffered multiple organ failure. The documentary shares that if it had been another 5 to 10 minutes without treatment, Lovato would have died.

Well that explains things, just another Hollywood junkie libtard.
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You would think something happening on William Barr’s watch would have the Fox News all over it.

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