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Democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread.


Official eats out hours after voting to ban outdoor dining

A Los Angeles County supervisor enjoyed an al fresco meal at a restaurant just hours after voting last week to ban outdoor dining at the county's 31,000 restaurants over coronavirus safety concerns, according to a news report.

Just another leftist hypocrite. It shames me she is from Tulsa. I am sure she is happier living in the failed socialist state of California where she can wallow in the cesspool with the other pigs.

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California Wealth and Exit Tax Would Be An Unconstitutional Disaster

California taxpayers may have even more on their plate to worry about besides a ballot initiative increasing property taxes,
raising the top state income tax rate to 16.8 percent, and state tax collections this year that have run ahead of projections. The new threat: a first-in-the-nation combination wealth tax and exit tax.

The top 1 percent of income earners currently pay 46 percent of California’s income tax collections, and the left-wing Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) says California’s tax system is already the most progressive in the nation.

Many California taxpayers seem to be getting sick of shouldering this burden — the most recent IRS migration data shows that, on net, over 60,000 Californians moved out of the state between 2017 and 2018, resulting in a net loss of $8 billion in adjusted gross income.

Who knew the Eagles were so prophetic.

Hotel California - "You can check out any time you like. But you can never leave!"

The top 1 percent pay 46 percent of California's income tax collections? So much for the leftist trope that the wealthy don't pay their fair share.

Citizens are fleeing the failed socialist policies of California.

So much for your socialist utopia.
Biden To Ask Congress On First Day To Grant Legal Status To 11 Million Illegal Aliens, and that we bring 11Million more our way! It has already begun!
Question?........... And will they vaccinate the 6,500 illegals headed our way from Honduras also? Or the group behind them?

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