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Democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread.


The power of the Democrat brand. This guy sums the Dems up perfectly.
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No more hair memes after Trump takes a $70,000 tax write-off to make his hair look ridiculous?
So La', When you gonna' throw the Friggin' Towel in, OR do you REALLY think this A - HOLE delusional MORON is going to get re-elected ????
I don't know what is going to happen.

I rather have Trump than Biden because I feel a vote for Biden is really a vote for his future extreme left puppet masters.

So someone found a supportive community and it bothers you? Why?
Because I see it as more division.

Why do you have Afro-Latin Americans?

In my eyes you are either an American citizen or you are not. There is no such thing as an African American. You are just an American. I don't call myself a European American. I don't call my dentist an Iranian American. I don't call my sister in law a Mexican American. I don't call people with white and black heritage Afro-European American. When does the division stop?

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