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Delta won't die after all

As much as this is good news, this does not amount to the $3 billion in savings that is supposedly needed. Delta has many issues ahead of them, just not the pilots(I'm assuming they will ratify it, there are no other jobs out there right now).
This is the last major piece of DL's cost cutting so it is indeed good news. Lease renegotiations are going well based on filings w/ the court. Debt restructuring will come later but DL has already sliced off $4B in unsecured debt - the highest in the industry (I'm sure those bondholders regret they didn't negotiate w/ DL before BK). The last major piece is pension reform and that is really an issue for the employees and the nation since the company obviously has an out.

Hi, Fly.

This "outcome" would have NEVER happened(In my opinion) if the following "entities" were not in place.

Judge Beatty !!!!!!!!

1. DL did NOT break DALPA's contract
2. DL did NOT get $325 million, that they "wailed" 🙁 🙁 🙁 that MUST have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW....(NON UNION spin doctors)(You know who you are)

"HAVE AT IT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again CONGRATULATIONS....DALPA (DL's 1 and only UNION) !


OK Kev, I'll see your 55% and raise you 12% !!!!!!!

2/3 FOR..........1/3 AGAINST
That's what I'm thinking.

2-1 for isn't what I would call a 'close' vote.

There are pilots who are venting but when it comes down to the actual vote many will fall in line. These guys aren't dumb and they WILL do as their union advises.

There are certainly pilots 'venting' right now but when it comes time to put your money where your mouth is most people won't flush a $150k a year job over pride.
There are certainly pilots 'venting' right now but when it comes time to put your money where your mouth is most people won't flush a $150k a year job over pride.

That 150k/yr represents only 1/3 of the seniority list.
It very well may pass. Like I said, we will know shortly.
Here is one no vote.
Notice that DL is getting 75% of the hourly rate concessions but approx. half of the total "ask". Tells me that there are alot of other things such as work rules that did not make the cut. First, DL needs cash now to stay strong through the winter until the summer network changes really make a difference (there are already dramatic differences in schedules starting in Dec). I am not terribly in favor of the DL pilots having to give alot on scope since they have long had one of the most generous RJ provisions as well as int'l codesharing in their contract. I believe DL has more than enough RJs (including 70 seaters) and int'l codesharing in the current network to do an aweful lot. I also am glad to see the contract pilot is being folded although I am surprised they were able to do it so quickly.

Oh... and one other thing, the company has not valued the tentative contract so I'm not quite sure we can be confident of who got what.

I suspect part of the willingness to wait three more months for a final contract is to see what Congress does w/ airline pension reform. To me, that only puts more pressure on DL to do what they can to make it happen since if pensions are dumped, pilots will have a legitimate right to argue that their contribution went up substantially.

I believe DL has more than enough tools in its arsenal to turn the airline around and they will do it.
And if they don't, will you dress in black and draw your shades for a year?
Aren't there PR firms that specialize in soft campaigns on the internet? LOL it would be funny if Cosmo and WorldTraveler were cubicle mates.
Notice that DL is getting 75% of the hourly rate concessions but approx. half of the total "ask". Tells me that there are alot of other things such as work rules that did not make the cut. First, DL needs cash now to stay strong through the winter until the summer network changes really make a difference (there are already dramatic differences in schedules starting in Dec). I am not terribly in favor of the DL pilots having to give alot on scope since they have long had one of the most generous RJ provisions as well as int'l codesharing in their contract. I believe DL has more than enough RJs (including 70 seaters) and int'l codesharing in the current network to do an aweful lot. I also am glad to see the contract pilot is being folded although I am surprised they were able to do it so quickly.

Oh... and one other thing, the company has not valued the tentative contract so I'm not quite sure we can be confident of who got what.

I suspect part of the willingness to wait three more months for a final contract is to see what Congress does w/ airline pension reform. To me, that only puts more pressure on DL to do what they can to make it happen since if pensions are dumped, pilots will have a legitimate right to argue that their contribution went up substantially.

I believe DL has more than enough tools in its arsenal to turn the airline around and they will do it.


Jesus, World Traveler,

"WHAT PART OF..........DL DID NOT TERMINATE DALPA's CONTRACT.......AND........... DL DID NOT GET $325 MILLION, ...........DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND" ??????????????

AMAZING, (friggin') AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!


Jesus, World Traveler,

"WHAT PART OF..........DL DID NOT TERMINATE DALPA's CONTRACT.......AND........... DL DID NOT GET $325 MILLION, ...........DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND" ??????????????
AMAZING, (friggin') AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!

True, but for the SECOND time in a row, the UNIONIZED pilots are taking a DEEPER cut than the non-union employees.
Across the board, the pilots have always been screwed over the most. This is no different. I'd hate to see how bad the gouging would have been if they didn't have a union.
First of all, NHBB, while I follow Christ, I am not Him. Step out into the snow and cool off.

Delta pilots will still be paid AVERAGE when compared with their legacy peers and ABOVE AVERAGE when compared with many LCC pilots. For the umpteenth time, the DL pilots are taking a disproportionately large CUT NOW because they took a disproportionately large RAISE in 2001 - which remained unmatched by the rest of the employees - and DL's nonunion employees.

How large was your pay raise in 2000 and 2001, NHBB and Fly?

And if ALPA is so mighty and the cuts are so deep, then why are they not able to hold back the aweful Delta executives who must be sending pilots to the welfare lines by the thousands? NOT

George "Dazy" Perry, who was Delta's most senior pilot when he retired in 2003, says he isn't really mad at (Delta ex-CFO Michele) Burns.

Perry says Delta's bankruptcy court maneuvers have slashed his annual pilot retirement pay from about $97,000 to $31,000. He doesn't like it, but financially he's fine, he says.


Jeffrey Bendoski, a 10-year Delta flier whose pay will fall to $78,000 from $99,000 if the company's cut is imposed, said he might leave Delta — but only with great reluctance.

"I still enjoy the job and relish the responsibility of taking people up to 41,000 feet, bringing them down safely and delivering them to their families," said Bendoski, a 1989 Air Force Academy grad who flies Boeing 737s. "It's a real job, and I'm proud of what I do.

"But my wife is really fed up with this industry and wants me to walk away from it," he said. His wife is a teacher, and Bendoski said he was considering teaching, too. They'd each make about $40,000 and get summers off with their three kids, he said.

"There's an economic tipping point where the sacrifices a flying career demands are no longer worth it. I'm not there yet — but another 19 percent pay cut will put me pretty close."

"I love Delta Air Lines and want it to survive and thrive," he said. "In New York, I stopped at St. Patrick's Cathedral and said a prayer recently. I didn't pray for myself or ALPA. I prayed for Delta. I really want this airline to make it."
Jeffrey Bendoski, a 10-year Delta flier whose pay will fall to $78,000 from $99,000 if the company's cut is imposed, said he might leave Delta — but only with great reluctance.

How can that be? I thought all DL pilots made $150k/yr.
BTW, just FYI.
Current 737 captain for Airtran $153/hr
New 737-800 captain rate for DL $149/hr. 14%reduction. We are below hourly LCC rates.

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