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Delta, US Airways Announce New Agreement to Transfer Flying Rights in New York and Washington, D.C.

"one has to assume that they had some guidance from the DOT in this revised plan"

Bot US & Delta have repeatedly said they have been in negotiations with the DOT and where getting close. So I would assume that this meets their requirments unless the DOT is playing them for politcal gain which could very well be a possibility.
I find it awfully difficult how one airline--US--cant make money in LGA yet other carrier(s) can. sounds like mgmt screw ups to me which of course at US is nothing new anyhow
Maybe that's what the sandcastle wants the KOOLADE drinkers to believe. Plead poverty while dining on caviar. Suckers :lol:
Nobody stays where there are NO money unless they, a-hem, lie!
this transaction does reduce our operations there and therefore the number of jobs needed. We estimate that approximately 300 Piedmont positions at LGA will be eliminated when the reduced flight schedule is implemented next year. Some mainline and additional Piedmont employees who support the impacted regional service at LGA and at field stations could also be affected. This is the most difficult part of any transaction and we will do everything we can to support those employees whose jobs are effected.

DCA and LGA are two of the most powerful cities in the world and Delta is one of the largest airlines in the world and USAirwasy is??????? You fill in the blanks who do you think is going to get the short end of the stick