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Delta reducing JFK-NRT frequency this winter

topDawg said:
every airline pulls down utilization in the winter and every airline tries to do as much work in the hangar during the winter as they can.
So if I was to stereotype, you folks that work in the hangar are basically living the easy lifestyle of teachers in that you have the summers off .... right?
LD3 said:
Discussions have been civil lately....
they sure have. 
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
So if I was to stereotype, you folks that work in the hangar are basically living the easy lifestyle of teachers in that you have the summers off .... right?
some days you are pretty close. There have been days where I have seen TOC-II completely empty. Back in the old days footballs and stuff like that may or may not been involved.
now days they do a pretty good job of getting an airplane in the bay for RON/RAD visit if the bay doesn't have a check/mod going on. if they don't get something in they will loan you out to another bay. 
Kev3188 said:
It's nice, isn't it? Let's all try and keep it that way. This site is what we collectively make it...
The only way to guarantee that is for everyone to put a certain person on ignore, and then ignore him.  If people keep responding to him, he will keep posting the same drivel over and over.

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