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Delta records another very strong quarter

I am not against robbed or any other IAM member getting a payraise.

It is not a dig to note that robbed will not get profit sharing. it is a fact.

It is also a fact that DL employees are still receiving the greatest increases in total compensation among US carriers.

DL is running an outstanding business and its employees are benefitting handsomely because of it.

If other airline employees can exceed it, that is just fine.
There was not one reason for you to throw that out to him and you edited it and reworded it anyhow as you knew you are wrong.
Um WN makes more than DL, guess you keep forgetting that.
I have specifically noted that WN employees are paid well above average and above DL. Would you like also to admit that DL employees are paid higher than many of its other legacy peers? that is a fact you don't seem to want to talk about even though it is equally true.

specific to robbed, I told him that I also do not participate in profit sharing but rejoice with those who do. You clearly chose to ignore that part.

DL showed another outstanding quarter and all of its stakeholders including active and retired employees, stockholders, and customers are all benefitting.

can you tell us what your expectations are for earnings by other airlines in the industry?

I know you are trying real hard to try to turn this into a fight so you can get the thread locked.

Your comments that are not related to DL's earnings and the profit sharing are subject to being deleted.
Why can't you A-holes stay on topic?   
Not only does Delta have the refinery to help reduce fuel costs, but its hedging program continues to provide significant savings as well.    

During the second quarter,  Parker closed out all of legacy AA's fuel hedging positions, recognizing a large one-time gain, but new AA is going to go without fuel hedging going forward.   IMO, that is going to prove to be a very costly decision.   Historically,  AA had a very strong and successful fuel hedging program while US did not (failed fuel hedging positions cost US nearly a billion dollars in 2008-09).   Advantage:  Delta.   
thank you, FWAAA.

Parker deserves to be given a chance to prove whether his strategy works but you are absolutely right that AA had an outstanding fuel hedge book that continued to work even in BK. No other airline did in BK with hedges what AA did.

Hedging is a means to reduce risk. Plain and simple. there are also currency hedges that many int'l companies use. Do you know what Parker is doing with currency hedges?

specific to DL, DL noted they continue to see currency hedge gains esp. to/from Japan but they do not hedge the Euro because the JV naturally does that.
robbed doesn't have profit sharing. MOVE ON.

DL employees have gained more in increased compensation between their own pay raises and profit sharing than robbed's group will. It is a fact. Until you fix it, MOVE ON.

As for hedging, you love to find fault in anything possible, 700.

you forgot to note he QUICKLY left DL.
You threw the dig out, not anyone else, man up and admit what you did.
And guaranteed raises of the the three year term is going to be more than what DL gives their employees.
But hey you wont let the facts get in your way.
The facts are that DL employees have received larger compensation increases over the past 4 years and will continue to do so. Robbed didn't and won't get profit sharing and neither will I. Those are facts. there is nothing manly or not about admitting them. You have yet to even admit the facts.

If you are so interested in being a man, why don't you focus on the discussion instead of you eternal campaign to wage war with everyone?

In this case, it is obvious that your desire is to shut down a positive thread about DL.

DL had an outstanding quarter, DL employees will benefit, and the success DL showed will likely be repeated in the industry.

Can you focus on those basic topics or something remotely related to it?
You threw the dig out, not anyone else,

The facts are that DL employees have received larger compensation increases over the past 4 years and will continue to do so. Robbed didn't and won't get profit sharing and neither will I. Those are facts. there is nothing manly or not about admitting them. You have yet to even admit the facts.
The other "fact" is that you won't see any active DL employees on here crowing about it, or trying to bring anyone from another carrier else down.  

Meanwhile, take heart; your pension is secure. You're welcome.
Well since DL made $801 million in profits why are the people hired Jan 1 2009 and after still on an adverse payscale?
Why is ready reserve with no benefits and one raise still there and approaching 50% if the ACS workforce since Delta is making such huge profits?
You clearly didn't bother to listen to the conference call to hear the executives talk about the competitive environment. They speak in code... I speak directly. The analysts know what is said regardless.

There are also aren't other active DL employees on this or other websites trashing their employers... swirl that around your head for a few minutes.

let me know whether the facts about profit sharing are incorrect.

DAL stock continues to lead the industry upward.
not to mention the yrly pay raise on pay anniversary so that's what...3 raises in less than 5 months!    Kev  again bro congrats  glad to see you all active folks at DL made a great profit for the quarter   we shall see tomorrow what AA and WN?? earn  but analysts are saying AA will beat everyone  link on www.justplanenews.com 

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