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Delta is removing more flights

interesting it will be a secret operation so therefore - call it a goose chase
Once again - every other airline in the world that has exited the MD80/90 for more fuel efficiency have been wrong
the offer is for Kevin, Baba, or other active employees who I can verify their identity as active employees.

other carriers have simply not had the creativity to figure out to reduce capital spending and to keep older aircraft flying.

Other carriers including AA also had the opportunity to fly the M90 and 717 but chose not to do so. DL figured out how to make those aircraft work while AA was not interested. The M90 and 717 have comparable fuel efficiencies to current generation aircraft.

DL also will be keeping up to 100 757s in its fleet while AA and UA will retain far fewer.

DL just simply has demonstrated it can manage its asset base and spending better.
Great glad they are keeping them - it's their strategy - doesn't make it right or perfect
If DL enjoys being the most environmentally unfriendly airline - good for them
WorldTraveler said:
as two parts of the Delta family, I'll send you the names and contact info for two people at camp Widget who can confirm what I have said.
Please don't.

Just post any non proprietary info here, and I'll confirm/deny it on my own.
FA's paid to leave have considerable access that only others could dream of
I have posted DL's proprietary but released info Kev
DL's M80s have the highest profit margin and are well suited for the business routes incl. DFW which they operate
so you have taken proprietary information from DL and published it on a public forum - someone should contact Delta security to let them know they have someone leaking confidential corporate information - this is a huge security breach - if it's that easy to get information out of DL - I would be concerned about credit card and other personal information DL has on it's passengers
if it had not been released by DL in public forums, then I would not have released it.

It has been published elsewhere - as a result of DL execs saying so - that the very reason they have no intention of parking the M80s is because they have the highest profit margin of any DL fleet type.

No DL exec has released information about passengers. DL does have the information to share ITS OWN information.

and let's not forget that you were the one that started this whole discussion about aircraft types with your swipe that DL would be at a disadvantage because of their old aircraft.

IN fact, DL has done a very good job of using each aircraft where it makes the most sense to do so and where each fleet type can be profitable. New 737s with transcon capability are not needed to fly most of the 2 hour flights from ATL that are the bread and butter of DL's domestic network.
knowing you don't remember what you type - you specially said you released "proprietary" information - by definition it's confidential information - once again someone should notify DL security - it's just another breach of security at DL - they must be struggling with all the security issues in ATL - it's like WN at LGA
I said proprietary but released. You, as usual, selectively picked up only part of that info.

Are you shooting for 1200 posts tonite?

the pharmacies are all closed tonite to get your refills?
Isn't it funny how you like to copy - still practicing copy and paste
Let's see - you claim all kinds of things on this board - actually more like the AA board - if you could be honest with yourself - about DL's performance - however can never provide a link to public record of said claim
jcw said:
Isn't it funny how you like to copy - still practicing copy and paste
Let's see - you claim all kinds of things on this board - actually more like the AA board - if you could be honest with yourself - about DL's performance - however can never provide a link to public record of said claim
Typical wt.
Isn't it funny how you like to copy - still practicing copy and paste

Let's see - you claim all kinds of things on this board - actually more like the AA board - if you could be honest with yourself - about DL's performance - however can never provide a link to public record of said claim
you clearly don't understand the word "proprietary"

It is DL's internal information - you won't find it a link to it.

DL has chosen to release it.

the bottom line for you is that your statement about DL being at a disadvantage because of older aircraft is clearly wrong.

DL has figured out how to be quite profitable with aircraft models which other airlines have decided they don't want any more.

The DC9 series and its derivatives, which DL introduced to passenger service for the world, is and will be flying for decades to come.

The 757 still has a lot of life left in them and are viable aircraft for domestic service.

Low fuel prices only help to increase the financial viability of those two aircraft that other carriers have decided to get rid of at a far accelerated rate.

DL has repeatedly said this is its strategy and the use of the M80 in key business markets should validate it.

you and swamt also realize that WN's fleet is older than both AA and UA, don't you?

older 737s have just as big of a fuel disadvantage to newer aircraft as the M80 does and yet WN is in no hurry to throw them out - and we know how profitable WN has been and for how long.

and the only basis of this thread is incorrect. DL has added more capacity over the past year than AA, UA, or WN has added.

and the likelihood is that DL will continue to grow in key industry markets in 2015 whether you see or understand it or not.
The good news is you are always #1 in word count
WorldTraveler said:
It is DL's internal information - you won't find it a link to it.

DL has chosen to release it.

Let's see - if DL has chosen to release it - it would have a link - how do you explain that one
no, it would not necessarily have a link.

if you want to search DL's earnings conference calls, you might find it but I am not doing it just for your sake.

Whether you believe it or not, DL's M80 fleet has the highest profitability and it is due to the type of markets in which it is used.

Low fuel prices only help the economics of the M80.

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