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Delta is booted from Love Field

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DL announced the wind down in September 2004, it took effect in January 2005.

We knew a family whose husband was a mechanic at DL. IIRC, he found out about a week before Christmas where he was being relocated to. That may be why some people say they had no notice.
Just another example of how Delta treats their employees.  I have first hand knowledge of it.  Delta can do what ever they want to do to their employees because they DO NOT have any union representation except for the pilots.  Get a clue people, bring in representation or allow the company (Delta) do what ever they want to do...
Just another example of how Delta treats their employees.  I have first hand knowledge of it.  Delta can do what ever they want to do to their employees because they DO NOT have any union representation except for the pilots.  Get a clue people, bring in representation or allow the company (Delta) do what ever they want to do...
if you ever worked for DL, then closing down DFW would have been a very small price to pay to get rid of you.

if you did and were let go as part of DL's downsizing of DFW, t would also explain volumes about why you behave the way you do on this board.

DL people have consistently voted

so did he really work for DL in DFW and that is the reason for his hatred of DL?

how first hand is first hand?

If WN is really so great, then why wasn't getting a job at WN the best thing that happened to him?
Kev3188 said:
He's on fire this morning, the mean streak is very evident in these posts and the one in the discussion about SWA possibly buying another carrier.  He's probably upset over the fact that DL is out of Love and that AA is asking for DL's HND slot.
no, usually after enough pressure people will say things that reveal their clear motivations.

swamt finally said it.

It is now apparent why.

so how first hand was it?

you or your daddy?
Kev3188 said:
Kev3188 said:
does this plane go to paris said:
He's on fire this morning, the mean streak is very evident in these posts and the one in the discussion about SWA possibly buying another carrier.  He's probably upset over the fact that DL is out of Love and that AA is asking for DL's HND slot.
It's simple, the truth hurts.  Things are not going in Delta's way as of late.  One thing WT still does not comprehend is that I actually like Delta Airlines, they do have a very good bus model, and is right there behind SWA on how well they do treat their employees.  I have no hatred what-so-ever towards Delta.  Just love constantly proving WT wrong every chance I get and this is what drives him bananas, especially when I am right, it drives him nuts.  WT still shouts off with his mouth without knowing what he is talking about.  Everyone else out here knew exactly what I was saying and what I was talking about, HE seems to be the only one not understanding or comprehending what I was talking about, and where all my info came from.  
 One question about LF, has Delta made any announcements as to what they will do with all those passengers?  I am sure they are trying to contact them, but they may not be able to reach them all. I did notice a rather larch pick up in the SWA commercials for no-stops out of LF since the COD has announced Delta will no longer be serving LF after Oct 13th.  I guess 13 is an unlucky number for Delta...
City puts the brakes on Delta at Dallas Love Field
so how first hand was first hand?

You or your father? or some other family member?

if WN is so great, why was it such a loss to be forced to go to work for WN?
Kev3188 said:
Wow indeed.
WT is having one of his epic temper-tantrum/meltdowns today.    
I've seen his picture on the interwebs and although he appears to be a middle-aged man, his posts don't always read as if they were written by an adult.   
FWAAA said:
WT is having one of his epic temper-tantrum/meltdowns today.
Yup. He said he's back in Texas. It wouldn't surprise me if he journeyed all the way there from somewhere far, far away just so he could be on that first 717 in DL colors to fly past WN's HDQ.

That might make me mad, too.
Kev3188 said:
Shocked you didn't use this as an opportunity to remind everyone DL can terminate people at any time and for any reason.

and yet he can't tell us....

so how first hand was first hand?

You or your father? or some other family member?

if WN is so great, why was it such a loss to be forced to go to work for WN?
nothing like living out your grudges in front of all the world
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