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Delta hiring F/A's

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Feb 6, 2008
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"Delta has received more than 85,000 applications for the flight attendant jobs."

Far the AA F/A's who think nobody wants to be a flight attendant, or that they can't be replaced. 😱

I'm a mechanic and have to go to 80 hours of school for each fleet type, after 2 years of school to get an A&P license. I think I can be replaced.

None of us should get to hyped up on rhetoric.
Indeed. 85,000 applicants for approx 600 new jobs. Jeez Louize. How many of those applicants have prior airline F/A experience versus young people who have no idea what they're in for?

"Delta has received more than 85,000 applications for the flight attendant jobs."

Far the AA F/A's who think nobody wants to be a flight attendant, or that they can't be replaced. 😱

I'm a mechanic and have to go to 80 hours of school for each fleet type, after 2 years of school to get an A&P license. I think I can be replaced.

None of us should get to hyped up on rhetoric.

I have little doubt that "you" can be replaced but I very much doubt that when we go on strike that "WE" can be replaced.

Delta has received more than 85,000 applications for the flight attendant jobs. The last time Delta hired new flight attendants was in 2008. The 425 who are returning to work came from a pool of about 730 who volunteered for furloughs. All those who wanted to come back to work, did, Talton said.

42% of those who were qualified, experienced, trained and had time at the company declined recall. Thats a lot more telling than how many applications were filled out. Anyone can submit and application, people collecting unemployment usually have to fill out applications in order to keep collecting, even if they have no intentions on taking the job. How many of those 85,000 meet the qualifications?

Here's another way of looking at it, with 10,000,000 unemployed only 85000 considered working for Delta as a flight attendant as an alternative to unemployment! 99 percent of those unemployed would rather remain unemployed than work as a Delta flight attendant.

AA is burning through whats left of their recall lists as well with, from what I've heard, an even higher rate of decline(in maint).
I have little doubt that "you" can be replaced but I very much doubt that when we go on strike that "WE" can be replaced.

42% of those who were qualified, experienced, trained and had time at the company declined recall. Thats a lot more telling than how many applications were filled out. Anyone can submit and application, people collecting unemployment usually have to fill out applications in order to keep collecting, even if they have no intentions on taking the job. How many of those 85,000 meet the qualifications?

Here's another way of looking at it, with 10,000,000 unemployed only 85000 considered working for Delta as a flight attendant as an alternative to unemployment! 99 percent of those unemployed would rather remain unemployed than work as a Delta flight attendant.

AA is burning through whats left of their recall lists as well with, from what I've heard, an even higher rate of decline(in maint).

Very good, I love your positive out look.
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