PISSED OFF ???....................SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE !!.................................."GOOD" !!!!
"NOW" what are YOU(and other F/A's) Gonna DO ABOUT IT ????????
WELL I'm here to tell you, of ONE WAY..........THE ONLY WAY to do Something about it.
It's called "UNITY"........................"UNITY" with a sizeable Majority of your fellow attendants.
APFA has a New leadership team, and I'm WILLING to bet, that if you guys, base by base, SHOW President Glading, that you WILL NOT take it ANY MORE, that she will be able to organize you all for a STRIKE(if necessary) against AA.
What I'm trying to say here is, that YOU GUYS/GALS "HAVE" the POWER if you all stick together !!
It's really very simple math. Minus the guaranteed DFW SCABS, combine the DFW f/a's that will WALK(GOD BLESS THEM), couple them with a Majority from all the other bases, you will then have the tools necessary to force AA to STOP screwing($$$) you guys around !!!
It's NOT rocket science !