'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off

Alex Jones is a Texas-based talk radio host who also runs various websites and whose YouTube channel claims more than 24 million views. He is sometimes called a right-wing conspiracy theorist.

After the president's announcement of bin Laden's death, Jones told his listeners in one broadcast, "My friends, this is a complete and total hoax."

"Where is the body?" Jones asked in another show. "My White House sources nine years ago, on record, confirmed that he had been killed and was frozen on ice."
:wacko: #1

"The only proof of Osama being dead again that we were offered was Obama telling us that there was a DNA match between the man killed by the Navy SEALs and OBL. Even if it is possible to get DNA done so quickly, and the regime did have bin Laden DNA lying around a lab somewhere -- where is the empirical proof?" Sheehan continued.
:wacko: #2

Shortly after the announcement of bin Laden's death, university students in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where he was killed, expressed skepticism.

"That's propaganda," one student told CNN's Nick Paton Walsh. "Osama has been killed 10 years ago in Afghanistan. And it's just a propaganda to finish the war in Afghanistan." Others refused to believe that bin Laden was even in Abbottabad. And others echoed calls for the Obama administration to show pictures.

"If it is true, then why are they not showing his body?" one student asked.
:wacko: # ???

Get ready folks, it's going to be a rough ride.... :lol: :lol:
I think the pics need to be made public. If there is video we should allow bidding on it and people can watch it on pay per view.
I think the pics need to be made public. If there is video we should allow bidding on it and people can watch it on pay per view.

Obama said they wouldn't then Panetta said 2:30 then Obama said no.
Kinda parallels that info I mentioned don't you think?
Obama , I mean Jarret probably still jacked about Panetta giving the go sign for the OBL hit..... :lol:
I have yet to hear anyone explain how a picture could prove anything. Fake pictures were/are circulating the internet and people think/thought they were/are real. We were told they were not real by the government. How do you know they are fake? How would anyone here know a real from a fake unless they had the original files and had the knowledge to run comparisons to see if it was real?

Do a search on like for fake pictures. It's amazing what some armatures and photo-shop can do, much less professionals, make up and photo-shop. The ignorance of those who think a picture will change anything is baffling. There are pictures of men on the moon. They have been published for a few days now. There is a segment of society who still believe they are fake. Real pictures, not paintings.

Those who do not believe will never believe. Pictures and video will not do anything to prove to an idiot that they are not an idiot. An authorized shot and long form BC has been released and the same idiots still want more. It's like feeding a tape work. It just gets bigger and longer. Best just to starve it to death.
I have yet to hear anyone explain how a picture could prove anything. Fake pictures were/are circulating the internet and people think/thought they were/are real. We were told they were not real by the government. How do you know they are fake? How would anyone here know a real from a fake unless they had the original files and had the knowledge to run comparisons to see if it was real?

Do a search on like for fake pictures. It's amazing what some armatures and photo-shop can do, much less professionals, make up and photo-shop. The ignorance of those who think a picture will change anything is baffling. There are pictures of men on the moon. They have been published for a few days now. There is a segment of society who still believe they are fake. Real pictures, not paintings.

Those who do not believe will never believe. Pictures and video will not do anything to prove to an idiot that they are not an idiot. An authorized shot and long form BC has been released and the same idiots still want more. It's like feeding a tape work. It just gets bigger and longer. Best just to starve it to death.

Here's an concept. Perhaps the majority of the citizens WANT a photo or two as proof of death. Obama works for us. Not the other way around. He' is employed by the American Citizens and if the MAJORITY of us desire a photo as proof of death then a picture we shall have.

Consider that the American Public is waking up to the fact that these United States belong to us, not the cognoscenti residing in Washington DC.
OK, a majority of 'us' want to know state secrets. Is that OK as well?

How many US service mens lives or civilian lives are you willing to sacrifice to see the pictures? Are you willing to sacrifice yours? The religious nut jobs rioted after a cartoon of their 'god' was published and you think releasing a picture of a terrorist is a good idea? I want to be rich and pretty. Sometimes we cannot have what we want.

Secondly, people do not want to see the picture just for the sake of seeing it (not that it would make it better) they want to see it because they do not believe what happened and the picture would not change that fact.

Thirdly, how many people do not believe the picture should be shown? Do we not get a vote or just people like you who think they know better than me?

How about this, for every person who is killed as a result of the publishing of the photo, we take one of the people who wanted the photo published and kill them. Who here wants to volunteer to be first?
OK, a majority of 'us' want to know state secrets. Is that OK as well?

How many US service mens lives or civilian lives are you willing to sacrifice to see the pictures? Are you willing to sacrifice yours? The religious nut jobs rioted after a cartoon of their 'god' was published and you think releasing a picture of a terrorist is a good idea? I want to be rich and pretty. Sometimes we cannot have what we want.

Secondly, people do not want to see the picture just for the sake of seeing it (not that it would make it better) they want to see it because they do not believe what happened and the picture would not change that fact.

Thirdly, how many people do not believe the picture should be shown? Do we not get a vote or just people like you who think they know better than me?

How about this, for every person who is killed as a result of the publishing of the photo, we take one of the people who wanted the photo published and kill them. Who here wants to volunteer to be first?

We the People run this Joint, End of story. The Empty Suited Scar upon the land works for us and he needs to remember that. Actually as Citizens in the majority, we can make any demand of government we chose. People are starting to remember their Civics class

An educated citizen is a Liberal/Progressive's worst nightmare
Hmm ? I always understood that Americans will not negotiate with terrorist. Sounds to me, that not releasing a photo is the same as negotiating !

"We won't release a photo, if you don't attack us" !

I'm sure they have plans to attack Americans...........sans photo anyway !
So that means we can count the two of in to volunteer to fall on the sword? You sound lime cowards to me. Typical arm chair cowards.
What does it matter, photo or not? In today's world, photo shopping is a common practice even in journalism. Osama is dead or Obama is toast as president.

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